Sluggish NDI Source


New Member
I installed NDI and NDI Tools as well as the OBS NDI plugin.
Using PTZOptics NDI camera, if using the NDI source to add the image into OBS, it is very very…very sluggish image.
I double checked the POE switch, all is 1G speed and I enabled portfast as well as disabled EEE.
NDI Studio Monitor works great!!! Not a single packet loss or even any delay.
Yet the NDI source in OBS is soooooo sluggish.
I ended up using window capture source and having Studio Monitor in the background and everything works great!
But I still wonder why the OBS NDI source is sooooo sluggish?
I have the latest OBS, NDI, NDI Tools and NDI OBS plugin installed. The OBS CPU usage is about 0.2 and I have NVIDIA Quadro 5800, and configured OBS to use the NVIDIA GPU.
If I can get the NDI source to work the way it should, it would just be a simpler scene sources configuration, but as far as my scenes, they are now perfect with the window capture.
I tried to check the timing in the NDI source to be the network or the source, and all kinds of different NDI source configuration, but nothing works.
Any idea what might be the cause?