Question / Help Settings for streamlabs OBS - Laptop MSI (i7-6700HQ - GTX 970m - 16 GB)


New Member

Goodmorning everyone. Please forgive my English, I hope I will understand. This is my configuration. I know very well that I will not be able to have full hd 1080p 60 fps, but I would like to know if anyone can stream with my configuration. I state that I use Streamlabs OBS because it has preset animated overlays. On ring of elysium after various tests I make an average of 27 fps. What settings can I try?

Thanks in advance


Active Member
Streamlabs has made enough changes to the software that their version is not supported here, and you need to go to them for support with it.

If you use OBS studio, then we can help.


New Member
[QUOTE = "Harold, post: 385482, membro: 28037"] Streamlabs ha apportato abbastanza modifiche al software che la loro versione non è supportata qui, e devi andare da loro per il supporto con esso.

Se usi OBS studio, allora possiamo aiutarti. [/ QUOTE]

I am a beginner. I also have OBS, but I did not use it because it's harder to set overlays. Now I uninstall OBS streamlabs and start OBS. In your opinion, could I solve with OBS? Thanks


Active Member
the auto config wizard at Tools - Auto Configuration Wizard can give you a good set of baseline settings for your hardware.

Adding overlays to OBS Studio isn't significantly hard. Just add the overlay widget urls to it using the "browser" source type.


New Member
[QUOTE = "Harold, post: 385485, membro: 28037"] la procedura guidata di configurazione automatica in Strumenti - Configurazione automatica guidata può fornire un buon set di impostazioni di base per l'hardware.

L'aggiunta di sovrapposizioni a OBS Studio non è molto difficile. Basta aggiungere gli url del widget sovrapposti ad esso il tipo di sorgente "browser". [/ CITAZIONE]

Tonight I take a test trying to insert the widgets. Just for psychological support :) Can my system go for streaming or is it dated?