Set same global source differently depending on scene and if is a dupe source


When creating more than one of the same Source, you can't rename, set filters, or do any changes to a source different than another one in the same Scene. An example of where this is useful, I want to use the same video source as a camera cropped differently when I have just me vs when I have more people. I tried setting two separate video sources to the same device, but then it only showed up in one or the other, not both. This might be a driver limitation; who knows.

In OBS, I'm able to setup different croppings and sizes for the same Global Source (just named differently) in the same Scene. I'm even able to set that Source differently per Scene so I can have it fullscreen in one and cropped to the side in another.


  • 2015-05-21 02-46-40.txt
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  • 2015-05-21-0238-21.log
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The ability to set different filters on different items in a scene is coming in the future, it's completely doable but just a minor design fault of mine. Sorry about that for the time being.

As for renaming, well they're references of the same exact source, so adding yet another name on top of an existing name doesn't make much sense, but perhaps having some number appended to them like (1) and (2) etc might be useful.


What I do is have one named "Main Camera" and "Main Camera w/ Partner" so I know which is the cropped one and which is not. Maybe have the ability to set optional aliases instead of just changing the global name?


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Forum Moderator
I might consider adding an alias or sub-name for scene items.