Seperate Video and Replay Buffer destinations


New Member
Hello! I did a quick search on the forums to see if this has been suggested before, and to the best of my knowledge, it has not.

I'd like to suggest a feature for OBS where Replay Buffer clips can be saved to a different folder than normal videos. Currently, both are saved in the same directory set under Settings > Output > Recording > Recording Path. It would be helpful to have an additional option, such as Settings > Output > Replay Buffer > Replay Path, allowing users to save videos and replays in separate locations.


Active Member
One way around it might be to use the Advanced Scene Switcher plugin to handle the recordings, both normal and replay.
So then you don't use OBS's buttons or hotkeys for that, but you have some macros in Adv. SS instead. Those macros could themselves be triggered by hotkeys or docked buttons, but those keys or buttons don't do the functions directly anymore.

In the macro(s) that end or split a recording of either type (anything that finishes a particular file), you also use the Run action in the same macro to call an external script. That script can do anything that a system script normally does, including file manipulation.

Suslik V

Active Member
Also, the "Replay Buffer Filename Prefix" field from the Settings > Advanced supports slash / symbol for defining folder.
Thus, the setting:
replay will save replay files to your recordings folder (default).
my_replays/replay will save replay files to the "my_replays" folder inside your recordings folder.
../my_replays/replay will save replay files to the "my_replays" folder one level up (before) your recordings folder.
../../my_replays/replay will save replay files to the "my_replays" folder two levels up (before) your recordings folder.

For example, if you have recordings at: D:/obs/oldschool/gameplay then replays will be in:
D:/obs/oldschool/gameplay (default)

and all replay files has "replay " as name prefix.


Active Member
is there a way to remove the prefix
My first thought was, "Why?" Then I saw your other post about the space. Yeah, that's a problem.

At least get rid of the space. Those cause all sorts of problems that have to be explicitly dealt with, and are often overlooked until something breaks. Just don't have spaces in filenames; use - or _ or CamelCase instead. Can OBS do that here?

Yes, users can create (carefully written) scripts to automatically rename them after the fact, but it'd be a lot better to just not have the problem in the first place.