Question / Help Screen Capture problem - OBS shows only screens from Nvidia, no way to select integrated


New Member

I have found an specific issue:

I'm using two Graphics Cards:
1st - Nvidia 1060 6GB (I'm using three Monitor Outputs)
2nd - Integrated Intel Card (I'm using two Monitor Outputs)

In overall: I have 5 monitor screens to switch between.

My problem is that Monitor numer 4 and 5 (Screenshot_12) I can't select in OBS - It's only monitors connected to Nvidia Card available (Screenshot_1)

What is interesting I can select Window mode than select window appearing on Integrated Screen. But my problem is that I need to capture whole screen or Region where I select a whole screen.

Is there possibility to select a Region of Workspace? This should fix my problem.


  • Screenshot_12.jpg
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  • Screenshot_2.jpg
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You can also use Window capture, maximize the window you are capturing, then FIT TO SCREEN that source to your canvas. Display capture across separate GPU's used to only work under OPENGL rendering for me, more than likely this is not a possibility and is a limitation by the nature of what you are trying to accomplish. However I'd love to be wrong.


New Member
Thanks for advice, but Adobe After effects have setup of seperated windows, also when i use this method There is no way to switch between Premiere Pro and After Effects during LIVE SHow :( Probabbly it's possible but it needs some scripts writed in Python probably. This separated windows I can't capture in any Way :(
Your solution about to switch to openGL sounds good, But If you can give me a solution how to switch it will be very nice. I have only DirecX 11 in my dropdown menu in settings :( I'm using 64bit version.

Thank's Once Again - If you will be in North of Poland You have one beer ;)


New Member
Hey Patrick Ewalt!

I Just found on this forum that I need just start my obs with parameter in shortcut: --allow-opengl
then I select open GL and all screen adapters appear



New Member
Gosh, but new issue :) Before on Direct 3D 11 I had 60fps now on OpenGL it's going down to about 8-21 fps


Active Member
That's one of the many reasons why the opengl renderer was hidden from users' view.
The problem you're encountering is a limitation of display capture.
Correct, I was eluding to that earlier, that the limitation will be in the capture, OPENGL is really terrible performer. BUT if you are just capturing slow things, or screens, it can be very hepful, but most use cases it is not. There is another way we can try this. What are your specifications for your system by chance? I can assist you with using the NEWTEK NDI PLUGIN in the RESOURCES tab. With this we can set any number of screens as sources and pipe them into OBS using NDI and capture should hold at native frame rates. Difficulty-3.5/5 (more than average), but if you are fairly savvy, shouldn't be an issue. I can help you via remote and show you step by step. If you are interested, message me. It will require that you get the Newtek NDI Plugin, as well as the Newtek SDK Application Kit (not included with theplugin, yes the SDK is, but not the app collection kit for it). Let me know, I have a discord where we can talk.


New Member
Correct, I was eluding to that earlier, that the limitation will be in the capture, OPENGL is really terrible performer. BUT if you are just capturing slow things, or screens, it can be very hepful, but most use cases it is not. There is another way we can try this. What are your specifications for your system by chance? I can assist you with using the NEWTEK NDI PLUGIN in the RESOURCES tab. With this we can set any number of screens as sources and pipe them into OBS using NDI and capture should hold at native frame rates. Difficulty-3.5/5 (more than average), but if you are fairly savvy, shouldn't be an issue. I can help you via remote and show you step by step. If you are interested, message me. It will require that you get the Newtek NDI Plugin, as well as the Newtek SDK Application Kit (not included with theplugin, yes the SDK is, but not the app collection kit for it). Let me know, I have a discord where we can talk.

Sounds nice! I'm also on Discord, I think if you will assist me on my desktop It would be nice to record and put this solution on this forum for others!


Active Member
On a machine with multiple GPUs you can only perform a display capture of displays running on the same GPU OBS is running on. (For laptops that have two GPUs and only a single display, OBS must be running on integrated).