Question / Help Rocket League V-Sync Not Playing Nice With OBS


New Member
So I have had this issue forever and because of the issue I never streamed. I would always notice my frames dip dramatically when OBS is open and V-Sync on, off is no problem but its stutters because of high use. I finally investigated it and found the issue but I don't know how to fix it. I have a 3 monitor setup. Side monitors are 60 and main monitor is a 144. I like playing in boarderless because I can watch videos and text to friends on discord without missing the match.

Playing Rocket League with out OBS open playing on any screen, Full, Boarderless (Preferred Setting), and Windowed without V-Sync on I hit 250 fps on main menu. With OBS open on a 60 hertz monitor while Rocket League is in Boarderless mode with V-Sync on I will get 60 FPS.
Moving the OBS application onto the middle screen it will go back to 144 hertz.

Playing in Full screen mode will disable this issue but I wont be able to easily access OBS when needed.

Is there a solution to fix this issue so I can have OBS on my 60 hertz monitor with V-Sync on for Rocket League? Or is there a 3rd party application that V-Sync for me so that its at 144?


Active Member
Correct, that's just the multimonitor mixed refreshrate problem of microsoft windows, that is well known since 2012 or so.
Make sure, there is no GPU accelerated content on the second monitor or disconnect the second monitor.


New Member
So I need another 144 monitor got it... noice

I changed the GPU acceleration to CPU only under my 1070's NVIDIA control panel in Config, PhysX

The issue is still happening but I can see that if I get another 144 I should be good. If some one else has any other suggestion to resolve this that would be awesome

Edit :
I can't even get another 144 since my 1070 only has one slot for it. I don't assume that my HDMI can output 144 if I use a converter.


Active Member
you can also just close programs with GPU acceleration on the second monitor (like the OBS live preview or webbrowser video content).
Usually any GTX1070 should have 2 display ports.