Hi, i work for the first time with OBS and i need to capture a business Software in 100% Quality. But all settings variations in Forums dont work...
The Picture looks blurry but it isnt blurry. (zoomed in Adobe After Effects 400%)
I think the red and the green channel are corrupted but the blue channel looks fine, what is wrong?
(sorry for my bad english)
The Picture looks blurry but it isnt blurry. (zoomed in Adobe After Effects 400%)
I think the red and the green channel are corrupted but the blue channel looks fine, what is wrong?
(sorry for my bad english)
15:11:08.007: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600K CPU @ 3.80GHz
15:11:08.007: CPU Speed: 3792MHz
15:11:08.007: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4
15:11:08.007: Physical Memory: 31678MB Total, 19885MB Free
15:11:08.007: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 16299 (revision: 431; 64-bit)
15:11:08.007: Running as administrator: false
15:11:08.007: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
15:11:08.007: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
15:11:08.007: Game DVR: On
15:11:08.008: Sec. Software Status:
15:11:08.009: Windows Defender Antivirus: enabled (AV)
15:11:08.009: Windows-Firewall: enabled (FW)
15:11:08.010: Windows Defender Antivirus: enabled (ASW)
15:11:08.010: Portable mode: false
15:11:08.091: OBS 21.1.0 (64bit, windows)
15:11:08.091: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.092: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.092: audio settings reset:
15:11:08.092: samples per sec: 48000
15:11:08.092: speakers: 2
15:11:08.093: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.093: Initializing D3D11...
15:11:08.093: Available Video Adapters:
15:11:08.094: Adapter 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 630
15:11:08.094: Dedicated VRAM: 134217728
15:11:08.094: Shared VRAM: 3723864064
15:11:08.094: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
15:11:08.094: output 2: pos={1920, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
15:11:08.095: Loading up D3D11 on adapter Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 (0)
15:11:08.103: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: 45056
15:11:08.685: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.685: video settings reset:
15:11:08.685: base resolution: 1920x1080
15:11:08.685: output resolution: 1920x1080
15:11:08.685: downscale filter: Lanczos
15:11:08.685: fps: 60/1
15:11:08.685: format: I444
15:11:08.685: YUV mode: 709/Partial
15:11:08.685: Audio monitoring device:
15:11:08.685: name: Standard
15:11:08.685: id: default
15:11:08.686: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.687: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/chrome_elf.dll' not found, loading of module failed
15:11:08.688: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
15:11:08.710: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors.
15:11:08.710: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'
15:11:08.722: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
15:11:08.722: LoadLibrary failed for '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll': (null) (127)
15:11:08.722: Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not loaded
15:11:08.723: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
15:11:08.724: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.31.0']
15:11:08.726: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI64.dll': (null) (126)
15:11:08.741: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
15:11:08.747: No blackmagic support
15:11:08.749: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.749: Loaded Modules:
15:11:08.749: win-wasapi.dll
15:11:08.749: win-mf.dll
15:11:08.749: win-dshow.dll
15:11:08.749: win-decklink.dll
15:11:08.749: win-capture.dll
15:11:08.749: vlc-video.dll
15:11:08.749: text-freetype2.dll
15:11:08.749: rtmp-services.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-x264.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-vst.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-transitions.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-text.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-qsv11.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-outputs.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-filters.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-ffmpeg.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-browser.dll
15:11:08.749: image-source.dll
15:11:08.749: frontend-tools.dll
15:11:08.749: enc-amf.dll
15:11:08.749: coreaudio-encoder.dll
15:11:08.749: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.749: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
15:11:08.752: All scene data cleared
15:11:08.752: ------------------------------------------------
15:11:08.805: WASAPI: Device 'Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
15:11:08.806: [WASAPISource::TryInitialize]:[Mikrofon (Realtek High Definition Audio)] Failed to activate client context: 88890004
15:11:08.806: [WASAPISource::WASAPISource] Device '{}.{1e1a5a7d-3ebb-4956-b372-2fcce857e3f2}' not found. Waiting for device
15:11:08.818: [window-capture: 'Fensteraufnahme'] update settings:
15:11:08.818: executable: explorer.exe
15:11:08.823: Switched to scene 'Szene'
15:11:08.830: ------------------------------------------------
15:11:08.830: Loaded scenes:
15:11:08.830: - scene 'Szene':
15:11:08.830: - source: 'Fensteraufnahme' (window_capture)
15:11:08.830: - source: 'Bildschirmaufnahme' (monitor_capture)
15:11:08.830: ------------------------------------------------
15:11:22.341: Settings changed (outputs)
15:11:22.341: ------------------------------------------------
15:11:37.811: ---------------------------------
15:11:37.811: video settings reset:
15:11:37.811: base resolution: 1920x1080
15:11:37.811: output resolution: 1920x1080
15:11:37.811: downscale filter: Lanczos
15:11:37.811: fps: 60/1
15:11:37.811: format: I444
15:11:37.811: YUV mode: 709/Partial
15:11:37.819: Settings changed (advanced)
15:11:37.819: ------------------------------------------------
15:11:08.007: CPU Speed: 3792MHz
15:11:08.007: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4
15:11:08.007: Physical Memory: 31678MB Total, 19885MB Free
15:11:08.007: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 16299 (revision: 431; 64-bit)
15:11:08.007: Running as administrator: false
15:11:08.007: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
15:11:08.007: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
15:11:08.007: Game DVR: On
15:11:08.008: Sec. Software Status:
15:11:08.009: Windows Defender Antivirus: enabled (AV)
15:11:08.009: Windows-Firewall: enabled (FW)
15:11:08.010: Windows Defender Antivirus: enabled (ASW)
15:11:08.010: Portable mode: false
15:11:08.091: OBS 21.1.0 (64bit, windows)
15:11:08.091: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.092: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.092: audio settings reset:
15:11:08.092: samples per sec: 48000
15:11:08.092: speakers: 2
15:11:08.093: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.093: Initializing D3D11...
15:11:08.093: Available Video Adapters:
15:11:08.094: Adapter 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 630
15:11:08.094: Dedicated VRAM: 134217728
15:11:08.094: Shared VRAM: 3723864064
15:11:08.094: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
15:11:08.094: output 2: pos={1920, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
15:11:08.095: Loading up D3D11 on adapter Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 (0)
15:11:08.103: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: 45056
15:11:08.685: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.685: video settings reset:
15:11:08.685: base resolution: 1920x1080
15:11:08.685: output resolution: 1920x1080
15:11:08.685: downscale filter: Lanczos
15:11:08.685: fps: 60/1
15:11:08.685: format: I444
15:11:08.685: YUV mode: 709/Partial
15:11:08.685: Audio monitoring device:
15:11:08.685: name: Standard
15:11:08.685: id: default
15:11:08.686: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.687: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/chrome_elf.dll' not found, loading of module failed
15:11:08.688: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
15:11:08.710: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors.
15:11:08.710: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'
15:11:08.722: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
15:11:08.722: LoadLibrary failed for '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll': (null) (127)
15:11:08.722: Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not loaded
15:11:08.723: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
15:11:08.724: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.31.0']
15:11:08.726: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI64.dll': (null) (126)
15:11:08.741: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
15:11:08.747: No blackmagic support
15:11:08.749: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.749: Loaded Modules:
15:11:08.749: win-wasapi.dll
15:11:08.749: win-mf.dll
15:11:08.749: win-dshow.dll
15:11:08.749: win-decklink.dll
15:11:08.749: win-capture.dll
15:11:08.749: vlc-video.dll
15:11:08.749: text-freetype2.dll
15:11:08.749: rtmp-services.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-x264.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-vst.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-transitions.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-text.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-qsv11.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-outputs.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-filters.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-ffmpeg.dll
15:11:08.749: obs-browser.dll
15:11:08.749: image-source.dll
15:11:08.749: frontend-tools.dll
15:11:08.749: enc-amf.dll
15:11:08.749: coreaudio-encoder.dll
15:11:08.749: ---------------------------------
15:11:08.749: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
15:11:08.752: All scene data cleared
15:11:08.752: ------------------------------------------------
15:11:08.805: WASAPI: Device 'Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
15:11:08.806: [WASAPISource::TryInitialize]:[Mikrofon (Realtek High Definition Audio)] Failed to activate client context: 88890004
15:11:08.806: [WASAPISource::WASAPISource] Device '{}.{1e1a5a7d-3ebb-4956-b372-2fcce857e3f2}' not found. Waiting for device
15:11:08.818: [window-capture: 'Fensteraufnahme'] update settings:
15:11:08.818: executable: explorer.exe
15:11:08.823: Switched to scene 'Szene'
15:11:08.830: ------------------------------------------------
15:11:08.830: Loaded scenes:
15:11:08.830: - scene 'Szene':
15:11:08.830: - source: 'Fensteraufnahme' (window_capture)
15:11:08.830: - source: 'Bildschirmaufnahme' (monitor_capture)
15:11:08.830: ------------------------------------------------
15:11:22.341: Settings changed (outputs)
15:11:22.341: ------------------------------------------------
15:11:37.811: ---------------------------------
15:11:37.811: video settings reset:
15:11:37.811: base resolution: 1920x1080
15:11:37.811: output resolution: 1920x1080
15:11:37.811: downscale filter: Lanczos
15:11:37.811: fps: 60/1
15:11:37.811: format: I444
15:11:37.811: YUV mode: 709/Partial
15:11:37.819: Settings changed (advanced)
15:11:37.819: ------------------------------------------------