Windows Media Player is notorious for bad codec support. Recommend downloading VLC by VideoLAN and trying playback there.
Additionally, you appear to be recording to mp4/mov. These are NOT recording-safe formats. If any issue occurs with the recording, it will be irrecoverably corrupted; a pile of digital garbage that absolutely CAN NOT be restored. Record to FLV or MKV instead, and remux to MP4 if needed from OBS' File menu, Remux Recordings.
You also appear to be recording in I444 for some reason. This is not advised, and unsupported by NVENC. Your logfile indicates a fallback to CPU ffmpeg instead. Switch back to NV12 unless you have a specific reason to need I444 and the technical knowledge to compensate for the limitations it imposes.
Likewise, you are attempting to record CBR 2500kbps for 1080p60. 1080p60 'wants' at least 12 megabit, and CBR is absolutely THE WORST encoding target to use for local recordings.
I have to ask, are you following some absolutely awful 'best settings' guide? Please don't. 99.999% of those are full of absolute horseshit, and do significantly more harm than good.
Set your format back to NV12, output mode to Simple, and use the 'Indistinguishable' preset, along with the NVENC encoder.