I dont know everything about obs but ive recorded like a 1hr 50min video literally 2 days ago and it was fine but this one messed up and as you can imagine i am annoyed as i have wasted the day as nothing was done. I just want to avoid this happening again if its anything i have done on my end. I have a good spec computer 3080, 32gb of RAM. I dont really know what happened so if you could explain that would be perfect. If you really want to make my entire life then please explain how i can get the recording but i believe thats impossible.
I believe this is the correct log it is the latest but i did have two obs windows at the same time for webcam and gameplay so i dont know if this is the right one.
I believe this is the correct log it is the latest but i did have two obs windows at the same time for webcam and gameplay so i dont know if this is the right one.