Problem option capture game


New Member
I have had problems with the capture game option in obs, as the screen looks black. I have tried to put the obs in administrator, but it has not worked either. To complete and that you can help me more in depth in my problem tell you that the full screen capture function if it works in a good way, then I do not know what to do. If you could help me with any advice I would really appreciate it. <3


Active Member
League of legends' lobby program is incompatible with game capture. You need to window capture that and use game capture on the actual match.

Other games usually need OBS running as administrator.



New Member
League of legends' lobby program is incompatible with game capture. You need to window capture that and use game capture on the actual match.

Other games usually need OBS running as administrator.

Yes I understand, but capture League of Legends with windowed mode, I think my fps goes down, I don't know why. Nor do I have a bad pc for that to happen. I have tried the other games running with administrator, but it has not worked either. Are there no more solutions?


Active Member
I didn't say to capture the league match using window capture.

Please provide an OBS log from you attempting to capture the games with OBS running as admin.