playback speed


Active Member
On the media source and the VLC video source I wan't to be able to set or control the playback speed. This will allow me to do slow motion replays.

As a workaround I now use a separate VLC player with NDI output, which I use in my replay scene.
The separate VLC player let's me control playback speed with a slider.
I put the same shortcut key to start playing vlc and to switch to the scene.


New Member
is there a way to control the speed by an hotkey?
No direct hotkey function for playback speed; HOWEVER, what you CAN do is create duplicate Sources (or even Scenes) set to different speeds and assign Hotkeys to those. I do this with two different Scenes I call "Slo-Mo Replay" (66%) and "M o - S l o R e p l a y" (33%). Unfortunately, that doesn't change the speed in the middle of playback, though you CAN do that with the slider in the Media Source Properties while the file is playing.


New Member
I know this is an old bump, but has there been any development on being able to adjust the speed by any other means? I would really like to be able to control the speed with the SD+ knobs.