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OBSAutoReplay OBSAutoReplay 1.1


New Member
Dyvinia submitted a new resource:

OBSAutoReplay - Quality of Life features for Replay Buffer, making it similar to applications like Nvidia Shadowplay

Quality of Life features for Replay Buffer, making it similar to applications like Nvidia Shadowplay.

- Auto starts Replays Buffer when Game Capture in current scene displays an output
- Moves the clip into a subfolder based on the game's name
- ex.) ../Recordings/Replay.mkv moves to ../Recordings/Replays/GAMENAME/Replay.mkv
- Shows windows toasts when starting, stopping, and saving replays.

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Very nice script, does everything announced, although I wish it could start the replay buffer a bit quicker, but I'm guessing it's OBS fault here.

The only beef I have is that on Windows 11 there is no way to exclude this script from "Do not disturb" mode in Notification Center, so I am not told if the replay buffer was saved.

Does anyone has any idea on how to work around this?


New Member
Very nice script, does everything announced, although I wish it could start the replay buffer a bit quicker, but I'm guessing it's OBS fault here.

The only beef I have is that on Windows 11 there is no way to exclude this script from "Do not disturb" mode in Notification Center, so I am not told if the replay buffer was saved.

Does anyone has any idea on how to work around this?
you can edit this line to change how often it checks to see if there's a game active. its in milliseconds so 10000 is 10 seconds. I'm not sure if theres a way to exclude the script in dnd in win11 and idk if i would be able to check since i have win10


New Member
I'm now getting an issue where it says psutil isn't installed, even though I installed it into the correct folder.

[] Traceback (most recent call last):
[]   File "C:\Program Files/obs-studio/data/obs-plugins/frontend-tools/scripts\", line 4, in <module>
[]     import psutil
[] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psutil'

This is on Python 11, Python 10 used to work but now shows nothing in the log.
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New Member

Steps I did to fix the issue:
1.) Uninstall all versions of Python
2.) Download Python 3.10 and install it.
3.) Make sure your PC is running 3.10 by opening a terminal and typing
python --version

4.) If it says anything other than 3.10.x then do this to fix it:
4.1) Hit your windows key and type environment, click on "edit the system environment settings".
4.2) In the window that appears, click on "environment variables".

4.3) Click "Path" and then "Edit"

4.4) Find the variable that shows the path to your python install, should say something like "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python3xx\"

4.5) Click edit to change the Python3xx to Python310, and do the same for the one that says scripts.
4.6) Click ok and exit out of the above image.
5.) Restart terminal, and try the python version code above again. It should say Python 3.10.x (x being the specific version.)
6.) Go to the download page for this plugin and download install-imports.bat. Run it.
7.) Try to run the plugin again, making sure that the python version in OBS is set to 3.10.
8.) If it doesn't give you options, then pywin32 probably isn't installed. Run this command in a terminal:
python -m pip install --upgrade pywin32
9.) IF that throws an error, try
python Scripts/ -install
and then try to run the above command again.
10.) Restart OBS.
11.) Hopefully your script should work now! If it does, great. If not, reply to this and I'll see what I can do to help.

Edit: Added images to help those like myself who are more visual learners.
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