OBS stops sending audio via "projector" after about a week. Need Help


New Member

I am a video engineer at PBS. We have a channel for our station that we are running through OBS and sending it to air video OBS's "projector output" feature.

This works great but the problem we have is after 5-7 days the audio will randomly stop outputting and we have to restart OBS then it works again. It doesn't make much sense to me. Any thought how we can keep OBS sending audio signal 24/7? It's powered by a relatively new and powerful mac trash can and OBS is fully up to date.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or need more information.
Any help would be helping a local PBS station!


New Member
I think I may have a fix I will let you know if it works.

I had OBS's audio monitoring device set to "default" and not to the HDMI where it was sending the audio for the projector. So I changed it to the HDMI and we will see if that's the problem.

Is it possible that the computer was timing out and changing where the default audio is being sent to? Time will tell.


New Member
Are you using a Holodeck? You may need to invest in a Replicator to relay the signal if you are. Hook up your Tricorder and confirm that you're getting 44.1 khz and not 48 khz. Let me know if this helps...
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New Member
Are you using a Holodeck? You may need to invest in a Replicator to relay the signal if you are. Hook up your Tricorder and confirm that you're getting 44.1 khz and not 48 khz. Let me know if this helps...
It did not as I am in Ohio and not on the USS Enterprise... Will consider this application if we decide to transmit this signal to the United Federation