OBS, NDI, and capture devices


New Member
I am currently using three video capture devices via USB for streaming. Working extremely well no issues.

However, when I sought to employ NDI HX Camera into my scene workflow and toggling on NDI ON in TOOLS > NDI Output Settings > MainOutput to employ a NDI HX Camera feed from iPhone over network, those USB cameras no longer worked.

So my question, "can you run both options? or is it one over the other?"

Thank you for the information to come


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Active Member
Can you? Yes Should you? probably not
you are mixing video processing routes and decoding data path... which means a likely variance in video latency. OBS has built-in audio latency adjustment (as audio faster to process than video when coming in via separate paths). I don't recall a native method, though for varying video latency across various Video inputs https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/possible-to-set-video-delay-instead-of-audio-delay.117749/ may help/apply

Though in your case, I'm suspecting computer is overloaded processing all of the incoming video and really isn't about mixing input video tech (something NOT to do, but in this case, not likely root cause of problem).

Did you try 1 capture card camera and NDI? I'll bet if NDI set up correctly, that will work (though with latency variance I mentioned)
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New Member
Thank you Lawrence. I will try with one capture camera at a time and see what happens each time I add a camera into the mix, in conjunction with the NDI camera. Thanks for the idea.