OBS is uncapping my FPS in some games making my GPU hotter


New Member
Hi, im having a rare issue Happens that when OBS is open, all of my games have uncapping FPS doing my GPU hotter
For example, Genshin Impact according to rivatuner goes at 60fps (I have the game capped at 60fps) but according to AMD Adrenalin (I have a RX 5500XT) the game goes at 70-120 FPS and that makes my GPU hotter.
Also happens in Valorant, I have the game capped to 80FPS but according to Adrenalin goes up to 90-120FPS
In some games, I use "Radeon Chill" helps me to limit the FPS in some games that won't let me limit the FPS like RDR2.

I don't know when it started happening, I noticed it once I changed my processor.

Here's the log file: https://obsproject.com/logs/a5RQJIFV4namtSqw

My hardware:
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
GPU: RX 5500XT 8GB
RAM: 16GB RAM 2666MHz
PSU: Corsair CX550

Any ideas?:( Thanks in advance!


New Member
Попробуйте принудительно включить V-sync.

Для этого в AMD Catalyst Control Center классификации «Игры» и в регулярном списке находятся строчки «Ждать вертикального обновления». Доступные значения:
  1. «Всегда выключено» или «Всегда включено». Принудительная активация или выключение V-sync.
  2. «Выключить, если не указано приложение».
  3. «Включить, если не указано приложение».
Ty for reply! I tried that and doesn't work at all.
I think I have an idea of what's going on. I will continue to investigate. Thanks again!