
New Member
I've recently had a massive pc upgrade from a (Aorus b550 elite + Ryzen 5 3600 - Aorus x670e master + ryzen 7 7800x3d) I stream with my phone as a facecam fine with my old specs and then with my new specs it was working fine too then one day last week it started bugging out it would be very laggy bad whenever I have my game full screened but tabbed out it would catch back up from being laggy then be smooth as butter (Only when I'm tabbed out) but the weird part is (I play mw3) In the lobby waiting (Making a class or checking the store) my camera is fine but when the game starts and I spawn in and it does the countdown to start the game then my camera in obs gets really really laggy,

this has happened for the last week but the fix I had for it was to lower my camera hub resolution from 1080 60fps - 720 60fps that would fix it temporarily but it would still lag sometimes bad, but now it just doesn't wanna work AT ALL I've even dropped it to 720 30fps but now it just green screens then tell me the "make sure your camera is connected" error, I have not changed any settings in anything at all in windows or cod my game has always had a modified file where I've changed my threadcount to my cpu cores and that's about it and with the modified file it was working flawlessly.

Things I've tried:
Uninstall Obs and reinstall,

Checked all updates for epoccam on pc and phone (I'm up to date),

Got my power management settings on ultimate performance (If there's a setting to turn off power saving mode in bios please let me know what its called for a aorus gigabyte board),

Dropped the resolution on camerahub app,

Tried a whole different app called (Ivcam) And it was the same issue