New Member
I give online classes, and I record them.
But on my 2 last recording, I had trouble with the video exported from OBS.
I recorded in diferent days and diferent computers and had the very same problem: the output video file is shorter than the recording.
In the log you can see that the command to recor was at 18:13pm - and the stop command at 19:39pm but the resulting file has only 47 minutes. (?????)
From 18:19pm 19:37pm there is NOTHING in the log that explains why it stopped recording or something like that.
Can someone please tell me what am I doing wrong?
I tried from a windows 10 desktop and a windows 7 notebook. The log is from the notebook.
I really need this help.
I give online classes, and I record them.
But on my 2 last recording, I had trouble with the video exported from OBS.
I recorded in diferent days and diferent computers and had the very same problem: the output video file is shorter than the recording.
In the log you can see that the command to recor was at 18:13pm - and the stop command at 19:39pm but the resulting file has only 47 minutes. (?????)
From 18:19pm 19:37pm there is NOTHING in the log that explains why it stopped recording or something like that.
Can someone please tell me what am I doing wrong?
I tried from a windows 10 desktop and a windows 7 notebook. The log is from the notebook.
I really need this help.