OBS crash when i click again on the OBS window (only when gaming)


New Member
Hello everyone,

So tonight i was about to stream some Minecraft, and i realised that when i come back to the OBS window, my microphone volume indicator doesn't show up again (only this indicator, the game sound is still showing up), and after 1 or 2 clicks anywhere on the window, my OBS freezes and crashes (doesn't respond and closes).

I've already tried many things to solve this problem : Uninstall some plugins, uninstall and reinstall OBS, and so on..

The problem seems to be the games i play (Minecraft, Warzone, and other "beefy" games), because last time i streamed was only me watching some Youtube videos and it didn't crash at all.

Here's the log file : https://obsproject.com/logs/0VZR6U6g8m0AVfrw