OBS connection hitting below 500kbs


New Member
So a few days I go to stream and my connection is bouncing around below the 1k mark going as low as the 17-500 range for a while. I haven't changed anything recently besides putting in a new CPU cooler which I'm assuming isn't causing the issues. I have the LA server selected in OBS because I ran the twitch test and the LA server showed 5k plus and was the best connection I have. My internet can be weird sometimes but every time it has acted up before it just goes to 0kbs and the stream dies I've never had my connection just bouncing around below 1k. Most recently it will normally start around 2k maybe go a little higher and then just be dipping up and down the whole time. Checked the cables and they're all good, internet speed test shows everything's on the up and up. Stream is still being output to twitch it just looks like shit so I'm at a loss here.
