
I have formatted my computer and it gives me this error.


Before saying that it is incompatible to review this post;)


Solved, I went to 21.1.2, this is luxury.


  • 2018-12-13 19-53-10.txt
    23.9 KB · Views: 115
  • 2018-12-13 19-30-59.txt
    27.3 KB · Views: 59
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I see that you care the same as me when downloading the last version, that is, nothing.

Well, it's not me who has to keep OBS afloat. We'll see you in 2025, if you follow TOP 1 :)

This I did not want to say, but do not sell me the story that you have not changed anything in the code.
By the way, do you know that refactoring, can you change things that work? You did not know ?, remember it then, it tells you one who has worked with codes of 7k per sheet (Although I prefer to work modular).

Do not sell me the bike that the problem is mine. I have followed the vast majority of post and ALL SPEAK OF THE PROBLEMS OF THE NEW UPDATE.

My respects to those in version 21 (those who knew how to do it)
My ... to those of the 22 that does not work very well.
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Active Member
The screenshot of the changelog you provided has NOTHING to do with your problem.
Your problem is with the AMD encoder plugin


The screenshot of the changelog you provided has NOTHING to do with your problem.
Your problem is with the AMD encoder plugin

In this post I have not said anything related to "BROWSER SOURCE PLUGIN". That's not the problem. (In the last post there was talk about performance with the browser, in this NO.). Clearly it's from the encoder ... it's not going to be from the drawing editor ...

Secondly, why does it work in version 21 and not in version 22? Can you answer me?

Processor: Ryzen 5 2400g

Version 22: https://obsproject.com/logs/UziWvhQvkYIS5ZIC
Version 21: https://hastebin.com/usezosiran

Can you look at it and leave it as in 21 ?, I will not do a fork / branch, to fix it, because I have not even looked at what is programmed.
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The same thing happens.

- x264 works (it puts me the GPU and the CPU at 100%) and it goes very slow
memory loss (only causes it to increase to 100% and go very slowly)
- AMD (hardware) encoder ERROR ...

You have to think that I have a CPU and a GPU (apu). If you stress the CPU the GPU burns.

What do I do? I'm missing any dll?

Look at the log from before.

Version 22: 00:26:12.665: Number of memory leaks: 9
Version 21: 00:28:46.580: Number of memory leaks: 0
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Active Member
In this post I have not said anything related to "BROWSER SOURCE PLUGIN". That's not the problem. (In the last post there was talk about performance with the browser, in this NO.). Clearly it's from the encoder ... it's not going to be from the drawing editor ...

You referenced a refactor of the browser source plugin in your screenshot, which has absolutely nothing to do with the AMD encoder.

Anyway set the Level to at least 4.2 in the encoder options in settings -> output.
This is a bug in the driver specific to RX Vega 11, as mentioned here, https://github.com/obsproject/obs-amd-encoder/issues/345#issuecomment-437655787
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Although it is a solution, there is incremental memory loss. I do not want to have the CPU and the GPU 100%, if this burns nobody covers it. I return to version 21.1.2.

21.1.2: CPU: 30% GPU:70% (When it stabilizes) / CPU: 80% GPU:85% (When it does not stabilize)
- 60 FPS HD streaming with 32 colors.
22.0.2: CPU: 90% GPU:95%... / CPU: 100% GPU:100% (incremental) (memory leaks)
- ....so slow.

I think that a piece of code that did not seem very important was refactored and was the key to the encoders.

Sometimes what does not seem important to us is the most important thing. I give an example. A person needs to rest, many people do not believe it and never rest. If you rest you can see and solve problems that you did not see before.
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Active Member
Nothing was refactored that had anything to do with the AMD encoder, only the browser source plugin.
My CPU and GPU usages are the same on 21.1.2 as on 22.0.2, this is true for many other users of OBS.