Question / Help No Audio from capture device


New Member
As title says, having trouble getting audio from capture device

Here's the uploaded log file
I think it's having problems decoding the audio

Device is the 42kmi HD Game Grabber
Looking through the driver .inf files, it seems to be related to the Roxio Game Capture HD PRO
This is a device that uses usb2 and outputs h(?)264 (not sure audio) using .ts container (Not sure how much the container matters)

Current workaround is to plug audio straight into line in and record that.

(This is an amazing rewrite btw, I actually have video without having to do a bunch of workarounds)


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
If it is a roxio device, then there's a really dumb issue with roxio devices that you have to do one time on your computer before running it with obs (though it stays fine after):

1.) Close OBS if it's open
2.) Run the roxio program, then capture the device there
3.) Close the roxio program
4.) Restart OBS again

It's absolutely silly. I'm betting it's due to it being internally set to another codec, but I don't know what codec yet. I may try to make it auto-detect at some point in the future but it's a really annoying situation.


New Member
didn't seem to work

I tried (each from PC restart) opening VivaStation (their capture program), record, force close/stop then close, open 32/64 OBS MP.

If I have time today, i'll uninstall the current stuff, grab the roxio drivers and installation and what not, mod .inf files if needed, and see if I can even record there.


New Member
Good lord, Roxio is a pain to work with. First, no installation disc or installer available on their site. digitally signed .cab files for the driver, and finally couldnt trick the roxio program into thinking my device is their roxio game capture hd pro (I installed their software thanks to the interwebs, modded .inf files so device manager reads it as the roxio game capture hd pro)

Er don't know if this is relevant but xsplit is able to use the device. Rather it was the recommended method for streaming around 1-2 years ago. I just do not really like xsplit and im not sure how xsplit handles the device anyways.

Quick edit; using FFprobe and CCCP/MPC on the video created by VivaCaster, the audio is in MP2. Rather that's all it says for the codec
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I just wanted to add my own experience to this thread as it's relevant to the problem and may provide some clues.

I have a Roxio HD Game Capture pro and have the problem where there is no audio. If I follow Jim's suggestion above I get the following behaviour. I can see in the Mixers pane of OBS MP 0.9.1 that there is audio from the Roxio, the db meter shows audio. From my testing I sometimes get audio in a resultant recording or stream however it seems very intermittent.

I know that the Roxio is pretty tricky to deal with and I have had problems with the audio codec myself when just using the resultant .m2ts files in Sony Vegas, the Roxio capture program now creates MP4 files and that seems much more consistent. Not sure if it helps but if I capture something directly in the Roxio capture tool the audio is MPEG AAC Audio (mp4a) at 48kHz according to VLC.

If there is anything I can do to help you guys understand this problem then let me know.



Active Member
I think the audio is going directly to stream/recording, you won't hear it on desktop audio device.
Thanks Osiris I found that from another post where Jim says that the resend for capture device audio is still to be developed. Appreciate the confirmation though.

I think I found out why my audio doesn't get to my stream/recording though, I found a lot of the following errors in the log:

19:16:21: Error decoding audio
19:16:21: error: Error decoding AAC frame header.

I'm going to try some more recordings/streams from my Roxio and see if they are the same
I fixed my problem by tweaking around with my Roxio and the HDMI switch it was running through. It definitely needs Jim's steps above to get the audio to come through and once I changed the inputs on the switch a couple of times audio started coming through. I was able to stream from Xbox One via Roxio and OBS MP.

Thanks all