I'm copying my current Log file, any suggestion?
12:13:33.485: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
12:13:33.485: CPU Speed: 2800MHz
12:13:33.485: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
12:13:33.485: Physical Memory: 16384MB Total
12:13:33.485: OS Name: Mac OS X (NSMACHOperatingSystem)
12:13:33.485: OS Version: Version 10.14.6 (Build 18G95)
12:13:33.485: Kernel Version: 18.7.0
12:13:33.489: hotkeys-cocoa: Using layout 'com.apple.keylayout.Spanish-ISO'
12:13:33.489: Portable mode: false
12:13:33.574: OBS 24.0.6 (mac)
12:13:33.574: ---------------------------------
12:13:33.575: ---------------------------------
12:13:33.575: audio settings reset:
12:13:33.575: samples per sec: 48000
12:13:33.575: speakers: 1
12:13:33.576: ---------------------------------
12:13:33.576: Initializing OpenGL...
12:13:34.495: Loading up OpenGL on adapter ATI Technologies Inc. AMD Radeon Pro 555 OpenGL Engine
12:13:34.495: OpenGL loaded successfully, version 4.1 ATI-2.11.20, shading language 4.10
12:13:34.645: ---------------------------------
12:13:34.645: video settings reset:
12:13:34.645: base resolution: 1280x720
12:13:34.645: output resolution: 1280x720
12:13:34.645: downscale filter: Bicubic
12:13:34.645: fps: 30/1
12:13:34.645: format: NV12
12:13:34.645: YUV mode: 601/Partial
12:13:34.645: NV12 texture support not available
12:13:34.645: Audio monitoring device:
12:13:34.645: name: Por defecto
12:13:34.645: id: default
12:13:34.646: ---------------------------------
12:13:34.650: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.so'
12:13:34.660: os_dlopen(libpython3.7m.dylib->libpython3.7m.dylib): dlopen(libpython3.7m.dylib, 257): image not found
12:13:34.660: [Python] Could not load library: libpython3.7m.dylib
12:13:34.722: No blackmagic support
12:13:34.815: [VideoToolbox encoder]: Adding VideoToolbox H264 encoders
12:13:34.831: [obs-browser]: Version 2.7.16
12:13:34.839: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
12:13:34.839: ---------------------------------
12:13:34.839: Loaded Modules:
12:13:34.839: vlc-video.so
12:13:34.839: text-freetype2.so
12:13:34.839: rtmp-services.so
12:13:34.839: obs-x264.so
12:13:34.839: obs-vst.so
12:13:34.839: obs-transitions.so
12:13:34.839: obs-outputs.so
12:13:34.839: obs-libfdk.so
12:13:34.839: obs-filters.so
12:13:34.839: obs-ffmpeg.so
12:13:34.839: obs-browser.so
12:13:34.839: mac-vth264.so
12:13:34.839: mac-syphon.so
12:13:34.839: mac-decklink.so
12:13:34.839: mac-capture.so
12:13:34.839: mac-avcapture.so
12:13:34.839: linux-jack.so
12:13:34.839: image-source.so
12:13:34.839: frontend-tools.so
12:13:34.839: decklink-ouput-ui.so
12:13:34.839: coreaudio-encoder.so
12:13:34.839: ---------------------------------
12:13:34.839: os_dlopen(../obs-plugins/obs-browser->../obs-plugins/obs-browser.so): dlopen(../obs-plugins/obs-browser.so, 257): image not found
12:13:34.839: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
12:13:34.854: All scene data cleared
12:13:34.854: ------------------------------------------------
12:13:34.920: coreaudio: device 'Built-in Microphone' initialized
12:13:34.924: coreaudio: device 'BlackHole 16ch' initialized
12:13:34.948: VIDEO Mac: Selected device 'FaceTime HD Camera'
12:13:34.951: VIDEO Mac: Using preset 1280x720
12:13:35.073: [Media Source 'ALBERTO']: settings:
12:13:35.073: input: /Users/david/Documents/ABLETON/SESSIONS/CONTROVERSIA/Streaming_Coronavirus Project/20200320_211935.mp4
12:13:35.073: input_format: (null)
12:13:35.073: speed: 100
12:13:35.073: is_looping: no
12:13:35.073: is_hw_decoding: no
12:13:35.073: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
12:13:35.073: restart_on_activate: yes
12:13:35.073: close_when_inactive: no
12:13:35.329: audio_monitor_init: start failed: -66681
12:13:35.330: ALBERTO-David: Selected device 'FaceTime HD Camera'
12:13:35.330: ALBERTO-David: Using preset 1280x720
12:13:35.338: MAC: Selected device 'FaceTime HD Camera'
12:13:35.338: MAC: Using preset 1280x720
12:13:35.345: Switched to scene 'Escena'
12:13:35.345: ------------------------------------------------
12:13:35.345: Loaded scenes:
12:13:35.345: - scene 'Escena':
12:13:35.345: - source: 'VIDEO Mac' (av_capture_input)
12:13:35.345: - filter: 'Retardo de procesamiento' (gpu_delay)
12:13:35.345: - source: 'Mòbil David' (browser_source)
12:13:35.345: - source: 'Tablet' (browser_source)
12:13:35.345: - source: 'ALBERTO' (ffmpeg_source)
12:13:35.345: - monitoring: monitor and output
12:13:35.345: - source: 'ALBERTO-David' (av_capture_input)
12:13:35.345: - scene 'ESTAS CONFINAT 1':
12:13:35.345: - source: 'MAC' (av_capture_input)
12:13:35.345: - scene 'ESTAS CONFINAT 2':
12:13:35.345: - source: 'Tablet' (browser_source)
12:13:35.345: - scene 'ESTAS CONFINAT 3':
12:13:35.345: - source: 'Mòbil David' (browser_source)
12:13:35.345: ------------------------------------------------
12:13:35.654: adding 42 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Mic Portatil)