My OBS has a black screen every time I select game capture.


New Member
So recently, my OBS has started having a black screen. I did not know why because it has never happened to me before and my OBS has been working for a long time. I've tried so many videos and asked ChatGPT what I can do to solve my problems. My window capture and display capture work fine; I just need game capture so I can run my gameplay at 60 FPS. Here are some of the things I mainly did:

- Run OBS as administrator, so every time I open OBS the thing pops up.
- Created a new scene, but that still did not work.
- Restarted OBS and my computer multiple times.
- Made sure my graphic drivers were up to date.
- Made sure OBS was up to date.
- Put OBS in my graphic settings and put it to high performance.

I did all of these and still nothing worked. If anyone can help me, please do.


New Member
Youtube troubleshooting guides are plagued with bad information

is worse, since chatgpt is not a search engine and WILL make stuff up

What specific game are you trying to game capture?
Im trying to capture roblox and its worked before its just yesterday it started happening. I saw a thing where OBS has trouble recording stuff but roblox was not on there so im confused.


Active Member
Roblox recently released an update that included anti-cheat changes that now block game capture from working.
Any fix to game capture specifically will require work from their side.
You need to use window or display capture.


New Member
Roblox recently released an update that included anti-cheat changes that now block game capture from working.
Any fix to game capture specifically will require work from their side.
You need to use window or display capture.
so many people have this issue and roblox might be working on it?


Active Member
It's been the #1 support issue on the discord since the update dropped and yes it's very common.
Unknown if roblox is working on it, but as I mentioned above, any fix would need to come from them.