Question / Help MacBook Pro 15inch AMD Radeon Pro 560X


New Member
Two questions here,

Is there a way to use the AMD Radeon Pro 560X so I can take stress off the CPU?

Would it be possible to do it with boot camp? (I can't find the drivers for the X560 on the AMD site)

Really don't wan tot have to buy another computer but streaming with Mac is =(


Active Member
I don't think so. The AMF and NVENC encoders are not supported in MacOS.

The only hardware encoder options on MacOS that OBS supports are under the "Apple VT Hardware Encoder" option. I know this doesn't use NVENC if you have an aftermarket Nvidia card or eGPU, and I'm not sure if it uses AMD (AMF) VCE, either. But if there is any way to use your Radeon card this way, it would be by selecting this item.
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Videotoolbox (the Framework used by the hardware encoder) can use either AMD VCE, Intel QuickSync, or - if available - Apple's own T2 chip. You can't influence that choice however.

The simple reason for this is Apple's desire for applications to use a single API that doesn't change if/when Apple decides to change from e.g. Nvidia GPUs to AMD GPUs (or from Intel CPUs to whatever Apple is cooking up with their A-series CPUs). Sucks for applications that want to use specific vendor features, but it's part of the OS' design.