Lower Thirds table


New Member
Hello All -

I am thinking of moving our organization away from LiveStream from Vimeo to OBS. One thing that LiveStream does really well is offer a lower third table. So, I can create a table of names and titles:

Tom JonesPiano
James SmithSenior Minister

and a lower third graphic with a placeholder text - [[NAME]] | [[TITLE]]

Then I can select whichever row from the table and have that displayed in the lower third graphic. This save me from making a bunch of new graphics, as we often have guest speakers. For one time use, it is really simple to just add a name and title to the table, select it, and Bob's your uncle!

Is there a way to do this in OBS - I did a search and came up empty. Maybe I wasn't searching the right terms or sections?


New Member
I see the animated lower thirds plug-in kind of does this, at least offers me memory slots. So that may work. Any other possibilities?