Bug Report League of Legends FPS Drop Down


New Member
So I had this Bug or whatever it is before but it is the most annoying thing I ever had with my PC
GPU: 1080 Ti
CPU: i7 8700k
RAM: 16 GB | 3200 Mhz
PSU: 750 W | Platinium
Monitor : 2x Dell S2417DG
I really did everthing closed all other programs, have the newest drivers and updates, also run it as an Admin, set the priority to high,...
And it is only for League, I mean I can stream PUBG with 120 FPS with ultra settings and in Legaue my FPS are at 40-80 somtimes to 120..
Here is my Log: https://hastebin.com/tofilivogu
Hope I will get some Help. Thanks. :)
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