Is there way to record very small file sizes


New Member
The recordings that I have done are taking so much space I wanted to record long sessions. So I was wondering what would be the good way to go about it like is there anything file compressing things or is only way to do that just after recording using "hand brake" to reduce the file size? I have been using "sharex" for recording since the file sizes where lot smaller butI can't set record in mkv or I couldn't figure how to do that also there audio in those recordings are very quiet so I was wondering that if OBS could achieve small sizes without these problems.


Active Member
File size depends on a lot of things.
- the higher the resolution, the higher the file size (double the resolution is 4 times the file size)
- the more fps, the higher the file size (double the fps, double the file size)
- for cbr rate control: the higher the bitrate, the better the quality but the higher the file size
- for crf/cqp/icq rate control: the lower the control value, the better the quality but the higher the file size. A value change by 3-4 is about double/half the file size

It also depends on the kind of video. Mostly still images can be compressed to almost zero by using quality based rate controls (crf, cqp, icq).

For more specific info about your individual use case you didn't write enough about what you intend to record, what you want to do with the recorded footage and what file size limit you want to reach.


New Member
I have set my resolution to the monitor dimensions and fps is 30.
Actually what is the difference between crf, cqp and icq like?

for what I intend to record is just logging what I do on computer normally for viewing later (archiving) and not planning to edit them and as for limit I just want keep the files as small as possible but like still watchable watchable good or decent quality.


Active Member
If you're recording your desktop for archiving, you're recording a mostly static desktop, and you don't need fluid motion.
So choose a low fps such as 10 or 15. 10 fps instead of 30 means a third, and some window animations or mouse movements don't really need to be fluid, do they?

Since you didn't show any logfile, your computer capabilities are unknown, and I can only give general advice:
Choose advanced output mode and a quality based rate control such as CQP, ICQ or CRF and choose a CQ, ICQ or CRF value of 30 or something like that - you vary the quality with that. Which rate controls are available depends on your GPU. The higher this value, the lower the quality and file size. Choose a hardware encoder, if you're offered one. Don't use a rate control that lets you choose a bitrate, because this will consume and waste disk space if it just records a still desktop. Quality based rate controls don't consume any disk space, if they detect no screen chance as it is common for office work/normal computer work.


New Member
oh changing to CQP helped a lot thank you. Should I also set video encoder as NVIDIA NVENC HEVC instead of NVIDIA NVENC H.264? also does preset in the "encoder settings" affect the file size?


New Member
I also set that it's automatically remuxing to mp4 is there way for it to automatically delete the mkv file or is doing so bad idea?


Active Member
Hevc has better compression, but not all video players and editors do support it. If the ones you use do support it, you can use it. The preset has only little impact on file size, the higher the quality according to the preset, the smaller the file size. A preset too high might result in encoder overload.
If it comes to remuxing to mp4, this is totally your choice. If the remuxed file works for you, you can delete the mkv. I don't know why, but OBS will not delete it on its own, even after successful remuxing.
under settings => output => record i have mkv, NVIDIA NVENC HEVC, VBR(!), 500 kbits (max 1000 kbits) and under Audio i have ffmpeg opus 64 kbits and i can never be happier for zoom recording.

100 mb for 1 hour (well it's mostly non-moving powerpoint-slides with some audio and a tiny webcam so...).

i don't know if CQP has better compression than VBR.