Is it possible, to recording a outgoing, not incoming stream?


New Member
Firstly, I want to say I love OBS, because it's great program, that saved me from a lot of headaches.
Thank you for creating it, and another thanks for making it free.

But I have some questions.
1) Is it possible, to recording a outgoing, not incoming stream? If "no", are you have any plans to make it possible?
2) I need a translations archive, and want to automatize process. So, I need a recording script or plugin, that will start recording at chosen time and will work 24/7. Also, if saved files names will contain time and date it would be great. May someone suggest something fitting?
Thank you for advance.

P.S. Sorry if I chose the wrong sub-forum.

P.P.S. Sorry for my poor english, it isn't my native language.


Active Member
If you while streaming press the "start recording" button, or the other way round, you're recording what is being streamed. To record exactly the video data that is being streamed, in the OBS settings, set the encoder for recording to "use stream encoder".


New Member
If you while streaming press the "start recording" button, or the other way round, you're recording what is being streamed. To record exactly the video data that is being streamed, in the OBS settings, set the encoder for recording to "use stream encoder".
Thanks for answer.
It isn't something I look for, though, since OBS use encoder on incoming data to translate it, and use encoder on incoming data to record it. I hope there is some way to avoid double work, through recording already processed data.
Sorry, I not make it clear in the initial post.


Active Member
If you set "(use stream encoder)" as encoder for recording, there is no double encoding work. OBS encodes once and streams this, and the same encoded data is also written to disk for recording.


New Member
If you set "(use stream encoder)" as encoder for recording, there is no double encoding work. OBS encodes once and streams this, and the same encoded data is also written to disk for recording.
Thanks for answer. I'll check it on monday.

It sounds like you're looking for something like
Sorry, but I'm not see how this can help me. As far as I understand, that thing help with receiving translations, not broadcasting and/or recording. Maybe I miss/overlook something?


New Member
I still seek for a "task scheduler" (don't sure it's a correct term) for OBS studio, to automatize recording.

If you set "(use stream encoder)" as encoder for recording, there is no double encoding work. OBS encodes once and streams this, and the same encoded data is also written to disk for recording.
Thank you again - I really just used the wrong settings, as it turned out. My life will be a little easier from now on. :)


Active Member
Since OBS is designed as interactive tool for streaming life action created on the spot, so there is not much demand for automating or scheduling. Such functionality is not built in. Non-interactive tools like ffmpeg are better suited for this, combined with automated starts from Windows Task Scheduler or whatever scheduling software you'd like to use.

Starting OBS Studio automated was discussed in this thread: