I have a problem with the media source - windows 11


New Member
I have a problem with the media source in the obs, but from the beginning.

I upgraded windows 10 to windows 11 and from now on when I add a media source to a scene, I can't hear the sound from that source. But that's not all, because the sound from this source is heard by the viewers during LIVE on yt, that is, the sound is transmitted through the obs during the live broadcast.

I tried changing the audio output in the obs, but it didn't do anything. Do you have any ideas?
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Active Member
Advanced Audio Properties -> Monitoring column -> set that source to "Monitor and Output"

Settings -> Audio -> make sure the Monitoring device is set to what you're actually listening to

Look out for feedback loops! If you also have a Desktop source (also in Settings -> Audio) or an Audio Output Capture (in a scene), that is set to the same device as what the Monitor goes to (either directly or via Default), then whatever goes to the Monitor will also show up *there*. That's an echo already. If you also send *that* source to the Monitor, now that echo repeats forever.


New Member
Everything you wrote, I already did. I changed the settings probably everywhere, but it didn't do anything.
Still in the speakers, on headphones I can't hear the sound from the media source, but the sound is heard by the viewers during the live broadcast on YT.

Oh, I forgot to write.

On windows 10 everything worked, after upgrading to windows 11 it suddenly stopped, and I didn't change anything in the settings in obs.


Active Member
You're not using "Default", are you? And Windoze is being stoopid / confidently wrong again, about which device to connect that "Default" to?

If you're not already, choose something specific in OBS, not "Default". Likewise for everything else. Don't use "Default" at all, anywhere.


New Member
You're not using "Default", are you? And Windoze is being stoopid / confidently wrong again, about which device to connect that "Default" to?

If you're not already, choose something specific in OBS, not "Default". Likewise for everything else. Don't use "Default" at all, anywhere.
Of course I don't use “default”. I have headphone output selected in the sound settings. But whatever I set there, I still can't hear the sound.
In windows 10 I had everything set identically and it worked, while in windows 11 there is already a problem.


Active Member
Still in the speakers, on headphones I can't hear...
Wait a minute. So your open-air speakers DO work from OBS? That means that OBS's Monitor has to work, as that's the only place in OBS that they can be fed from. If your headphones are the same logical device (no separate option for them in OBS), then it must be either a Windows problem or a hardware problem. OBS is fine.

Older devices had a physical switch in the headphone jack, that carried the audio signal directly. With nothing in the jack, the switch was closed, and sent the audio to something else, usually open-air speakers. With something in the jack, the switch was open, which disabled the normal destination so that it only went out the jack. (the industry term for that is a "normalling switch")

Newer devices still have that switch, but it's only a logic input to software. It doesn't carry audio anymore. That software, then, has each destination as an independent output, all of which always work, and it chooses where to send things.


Active Member
Sounds like Operating System audio-subsystem config issue (and/or related audio drivers)
I still find myself going into the old Control Panel when dealing with Audio device stuff
And, yea, as Aron is mentioning, beware new device driver with new OS behaving differently than with Win10 (having NOTHING to do with OBS Studio)

also, possibly an artefact from OS upgrade (if in-place) that may require some resetting of device associations in OBS Studio? here... just shooting from hip

Personally, I go into Control Panel and disable ALL audio devices I don't use (ex. HDMI audio on a monitor). I'm also of the don't assume /trust Defaults. Then, Go into OBS Studio Settings (Global) and check what is listed. Personally, I disabled Desktop Audio as I have no use for it... made life much easier for me.... ymmv
And then test some other apps... is Speaker vs headphones output as expected (normal?)

And then there is the pinned post in this forum regarding posting OBS Studio log [from a Recording/Streaming session] when asking for help/support


New Member
Wait a minute. So your open-air speakers DO work from OBS? That means that OBS's Monitor has to work, as that's the only place in OBS that they can be fed from. If your headphones are the same logical device (no separate option for them in OBS), then it must be either a Windows problem or a hardware problem. OBS is fine.

Older devices had a physical switch in the headphone jack, that carried the audio signal directly. With nothing in the jack, the switch was closed, and sent the audio to something else, usually open-air speakers. With something in the jack, the switch was open, which disabled the normal destination so that it only went out the jack. (the industry term for that is a "normalling switch")

Newer devices still have that switch, but it's only a logic input to software. It doesn't carry audio anymore. That software, then, has each destination as an independent output, all of which always work, and it chooses where to send things.
I have a strange feeling that you didn't read my first post, or the transalator is translating wrong.

I, in my headphones, can't hear the sound I add to the scene in obs - media source.
All other sounds from the operating system work.


New Member
Okay, problem solved.

1. I logged on to another user on Windows and on him I checked that the media source in OBS works normally. - it works.
2. I went back to my Windows user account and uninstalled OBS and deleted the settings files.
3. I installed OBS and everything is now working properly.