i can hear my headset audio throuth my mic


New Member
when i'm for example in a vc on discord/watching some yt vid i can see that my mic is peeking my headset audio (i have headphones) idk why, i tried installing fresh audio drivers didn't help. When i'm listening to music it's only occational clicks but when someone is talking it's terrible


Active Member
The title and description strike me as two different problems. Which is it?

The title has a quick answer:

I've had the same problem as a live-performance Audio Engineer. The talent had some cheap in-ear monitors, which are just glorified earbuds (actually I think his *were* off-the-shelf earbuds), and it took me a while to figure out why I could hear the click track (metronome) in the PA after I double- and triple-checked my settings to make sure that I was not sending that input there at all. Turns out it was bleeding from his 'buds into his singing mic!

The answer, then, was to A) turn the 'buds down, or B) turn the click off, or C) live with the click being audible to the audience. I don't remember what we actually did. If that's your problem, then that's your answer too.

The description probably has a similar answer (turn something down) but for a vastly different reason. That reason comes up more for analog gear than it does for digital, but it does still appear sometimes for digital: headroom.

In analog gear (which includes mics and headphones), and in digital integer formats (I believe OBS is 16-bit integer, same as a CD), you have a hard maximum volume. If you try to exceed that max, it shaves off the peaks of the wave so that it never goes above that level. Of course that changes the signal in a way that (most of the time) sounds bad. (it's a fundamental part of the classic "fuzzy guitar" sound though, so it's not *always* bad) The technical term for that is "clipping", while less technical people often call it several things, including "peaking" because of a badly-labeled light somewhere.

The difference between the level that you're using and the maximum level is called "headroom", and the way to get a decent level at the end without ever abusing it in the middle somewhere is called "gain structure".
In a perfect world, you can just combine all of the gain controls from the mic, through all of the processing, to the speaker, and get a single number. It doesn't matter what the individual settings are, as long as they all combine to the right result.
But in the real world, every point in the chain has a maximum signal level and a noise floor. So you have to manage all of those individual gains so that you have the correct level at every point in between, not just at the end. If you get it wrong somewhere, then nothing you do after that point can recover. You have to fix the problem itself. That management is called "gain structure".


New Member
the 29-22 file is with voice meeter potato eq and the 2nd one is without


New Member
im using the voice meeter because my new headphones have way too much bass, but that comes with the delay in audio etc etc so it's not really perfect


New Member
"but what does this have to do with anything else? Is this a *third* question?"

it's my anwser to the "you have to manage all of those individual gains so that you have the correct level at every point in between"

i had the exact same issue on 4 diffrent pairs of headphones with diffrent gain levels and 3 diffrent microphones


Active Member
"but what does this have to do with anything else? Is this a *third* question?"

it's my anwser to the "you have to manage all of those individual gains so that you have the correct level at every point in between"
Ah! Okay. And I got the videos now. You didn't add Voicemeeter just because of that, did you? Gain structure is about managing what you already have, not adding more.

Looking at the videos, I see that you're using a Noise Suppressor.
  • Are you asking why the music still gets through it? Noise suppressors aren't perfect, especially when what they're trying to remove keeps changing, like music does.
  • Or are you asking why the music sounds bad through it? Noise suppressors are usually designed for voice, including this one, and so they often treat music as noise to be removed.
Or are you asking why the music is in the mic input at all? You say you're using headphones, but like I said at first, are you sure the 'phones aren't bleeding acoustically into the mic?
Also, what are the settings for those audio sources in OBS? I *assume* that you've connected them correctly, but it doesn't hurt to make sure. I don't see a way for the settings that you show in Voicemeeter to bleed like that.


New Member
Ah! Okay. And I got the videos now. You didn't add Voicemeeter just because of that, did you? Gain structure is about managing what you already have, not adding more.

Looking at the videos, I see that you're using a Noise Suppressor.
  • Are you asking why the music still gets through it? Noise suppressors aren't perfect, especially when what they're trying to remove keeps changing, like music does.
  • Or are you asking why the music sounds bad through it? Noise suppressors are usually designed for voice, including this one, and so they often treat music as noise to be removed.
Or are you asking why the music is in the mic input at all? You say you're using headphones, but like I said at first, are you sure the 'phones aren't bleeding acoustically into the mic?
Also, what are the settings for those audio sources in OBS? I *assume* that you've connected them correctly, but it doesn't hurt to make sure. I don't see a way for the settings that you show in Voicemeeter to bleed like that.
i'm asking why the music gets through, it's not only music but also voice from discord when im talking with someone lese or a vid voiceover from youtube...

wait it also picks up the "mic audio" even if i don't have any mic connected

i added voicemeeter becasue i needed to seperate voice channels from discord and chrome in to obs and to reduce my bass because my headphones have horrible bass boost, it sounds like you would put +15db bass boost as normal

obs settings are:48khz
256 bitrate audio
10k bitrate vid


New Member
also the "audio leaking" does not only come in OBS, it comes in every app where i can use mic. The worst part is that it was working good up untill some point it wasn't, to fix this issue before i tried:

2 diffrent xlr cables
4 diffrent pairs of headset
5 diffrent microphones - (the worst is the xlr mic for some reason - the most amount of audio comes through)


Active Member
Also, what are the settings for those audio sources in OBS? I *assume* that you've connected them correctly, but it doesn't hurt to make sure. I don't see a way for the settings that you show in Voicemeeter to bleed like that.
obs settings are:48khz
256 bitrate audio
10k bitrate vid
Again, what are the settings FOR THE SOURCES? Not OBS. Just to make sure that they're connected correctly. They probably are, but things are getting weird enough to question everything.

also the "audio leaking" does not only come in OBS, it comes in every app where i can use mic. The worst part is that it was working good up untill some point it wasn't, to fix this issue before i tried:

2 diffrent xlr cables
4 diffrent pairs of headset
5 diffrent microphones - (the worst is the xlr mic for some reason - the most amount of audio comes through)
Most "consumer trash" doesn't have XLR. That's a big piece of the puzzle that you completely left out. What hardware do you have?

I wonder if you have a loopback switch that got bumped somehow.


New Member
rn i have:

mic: MAONO AU-A03
headphones:ROCCAT ELO
previously i was using ISK ELITE GEAR ECLIPSE ONE, GENESIS ARGON 100 and 200




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Active Member
I think you're showing me everything BUT what's needed. I still don't see what OBS is connected to, and I still don't see how the XLR mic is getting into the computer.
Most "consumer trash" doesn't have XLR. That's a big piece of the puzzle that you completely left out. What hardware do you have?

I wonder if you have a loopback switch that got bumped somehow.

Again, what are the settings FOR THE SOURCES? Not OBS. Just to make sure that they're connected correctly. They probably are, but things are getting weird enough to question everything.

not this:

I'm trying to understand your rig from the perspective of a pure-analog design. Sorta like this:
Once I have that, I can usually see pretty quick where the problem must be.
But it feels like you've only described the main out from the console, not even a picture, and given me a picture of a power cord. I ask for a picture of the rack, and you give me the mess of cords behind the rack. The ratsnest can become important, but I'd like to know what ALL of the boxes are to start with, and *then* how they're connected.

If you can draw your *entire* rig, including *every* box and *every* processor, digital or analog, physical or virtual, also noting *all* of their settings, and every cord that connects them, including settings that perform that role in the digital world, then maybe we can get somewhere. Be a stickler for detail. Include EVERYTHING. Better too much than too little. If it feels stupid, then you might be about right.

I've attached one of my rigs for an example. It's *not* what your rig should be, just an example of how to document one. It still doesn't include everything though, because it's meant to go along with my understanding of how things work already. If you don't have that, then you need to put even more on your diagram.


  • Audio-Routing.pdf
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New Member
If you can draw your *entire* rig, including *every* box and *every* processor, digital or analog, physical or virtual, also noting *all* of their settings, and every cord that connects them, including settings that perform that role in the digital world, then maybe we can get somewhere. Be a stickler for detail. Include EVERYTHING. Better too much than too little. If it feels stupid, then you might be about right.
ehmmm looking at what you provided i can barely understand 1/4 of that,