How can I improve the Production value of a Stream?


New Member
We had gotten together in the friends group a little over a year ago and had started streaming, I would always take the role of director. My question is because of this, how could I simplify the workflow, or does anyone here have any suggestions on how to make it even better.
I know this forum section is probably not best suited for this, please excuse this.

How do I currently have it set up:
Currently everyone streams via RTMP to a central server running OBS, which then runs NGINX with RTMP plugin, from there another OBS instance fetches all the RTMP streams and plays them via VLC plugin.
I then sit in the production room and try to show the viewer the stream that is most exciting at the moment.
Currently I always have the following problems:
1. I manually always change the streams separately in VLC (so not in OBS => Not visible to viewers), so I know what is happening on the individual streams, is there a way to play the streams quietly in OBS already, without that I directly change the setting for the stream (=> Also the volume adjustment for the viewer) and without that I hear several streams at once.
2. A new viewer doesn't know which stream has the sound on (or doesn't know the individual voices), is there a way to tell the viewer "you are listening to the sound of stream 3", e.g. a small speaker icon on the stream edge. (Which then turns on or off automatically), without having to manually change the individual icons.
3. is there a way to synchronize the individual streams, currently before we go live a timestamp is scheduled for each, so that I can then insert a static delay, but since the delay always changes over time, this would have to be repeated again and again, which would again lead to more work, therefore automation.

I know that's a lot of text for now, maybe someone will read through it and help me with my, more or less, champagne problems.
Attached are pictures of how it looks on my side, so you have a more than just text infront of your eyes.


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