Horizontal Flip Video


New Member
I see there's an option in the camera properties to flip the video vertically but none for flipping it horizontally. It seems to me this should be a no-brainer, since all the webcams I've used show the video as if you're looking into a mirror. In order for me to flip the video horizontally, I have to import it into another program just for that purpose, such as Edius. It shouldn't be all that difficult to implement, and I'm surprised it hasn't been.

Thanks for listening...


Forum Admin
Assuming you're talking about the virtual camera, the mirror effect is only visible to you. Flipping it it would then look backwards for all the viewers.


New Member

I'm not using the virtual camera, just the Logitech Brio. Also, I'm using OBS for recording, not streaming for this question.



New Member
Select it first (click on it), it needs to be with red selection marker around your input, then right click, transform -> flip horiz.


New Member

this is really something that should be included in the Camera Source options instead of having to hunt it down like this.
But it isn’t something associated to the camera… it’s associated to the source transformation which is exactly the place it’s located in. Your solution would require flip horizontal in every window; images, video, scenes, inputs, etc… Having it in source allows for you to apply any transformation attribute to any source. Rotation, flipping, cropping, scaling, are all part of the source attributes.


New Member
that being said.. it would be nice to have it included inside the ctrl+E "edit transformation" window (maybe add a tab for these special options?)


New Member
I have to say, I came across this issue too because it is weird when self taping that you look at yourself doing the opposite of what you are doing in terms of directions ... BUT ... once recorded, the output will show the audience the way it actually was, which is good, but that still leaves the problem of self direction on camera when you are doing something solo ... and what would be nice is if you could see on screen while recording the horizontally flipped version (which I would prefer they renamed "vertical axis flipped" as this makes it clearer what is actually being done), but it then outputs the default non-flipped version so that your audience sees it the way it should be ... that would be a nice option to allow for self direction scenarios