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Free Gamepad viewer 2014-05-23


The Helping Squad
Hey, you could add a little screenshot or example image of what the tool looks like.
And if possible maybe add a small description how people are supposed to use it with OBS :)
Anyway, thanks for this useful tool!


New Member
Hmm... I would love to use the tool, but I cannot get it to respond. I have a retro USB NES controller, which works perfectly fine with all emulators, but the GamePad Viewer does not receive any input from the controller. The controller does not require any external drivers to work. The Viewer does recognize the pad as "USB Gamepad" but still gives no response to any button.

Would there be a possibility to manually enter the inputs in the future, just like in emulators where you configure the controller inputs? That way the viewer would most likely work just fine.

Thank you!


New Member
Afterglow PS3 I can't get to fully work. (Downloaded SlimDX) When mapping buttons I have to check ignore analog or it will always revert to 'analog2 upleft.' So, buttons work fine if I do that, but then it's the same revert when I try and map thumbsticks. If i check it I get nothing (obviously), but I can hold the stick and have it keep reading my input as correct when I hit save. These inputs once saved do not show on the viewer though. Analog 2 I can't even get it to recognize - input is just a null response. I tried to manually change the .binding, but that just makes the config break completely no matter what I try.
Help would be appreciated as this tool seems very useful and has good features.
Worst comes to worst, I'll probably just buy a new gamepad. I should get a better one anyway.


New Member
I would notice you I made a working arcade stick profile for your software and I would know If I can share it. a picture of what I made it shows dpad or analog stick It tested it with a qamba q1, a ps3 controller and a friend tested it with a qamba q4.

To install, you just have to extract the .7z in your gamepads folder.

You can also customize the template (change background, edit or remove text, move or remove buttons, etc ... )

Also, I don't know if me and my friends are the single to have this problem but We have to keep pushing the button to bind or it's upleft analog 2 as input shown, and I removed Analog 2 folder and disabled it in pad.config because my friend and me have only analog 1 as stick.

I forget that, I also disabled R3, L3 ans PS input (not used)




  • gamepads.7z
    134.2 KB · Views: 697
Last edited:


New Member
Afterglow PS3 I can't get to fully work. (Downloaded SlimDX) When mapping buttons I have to check ignore analog or it will always revert to 'analog2 upleft.' So, buttons work fine if I do that, but then it's the same revert when I try and map thumbsticks. If i check it I get nothing (obviously), but I can hold the stick and have it keep reading my input as correct when I hit save. These inputs once saved do not show on the viewer though. Analog 2 I can't even get it to recognize - input is just a null response. I tried to manually change the .binding, but that just makes the config break completely no matter what I try.
Help would be appreciated as this tool seems very useful and has good features.
Worst comes to worst, I'll probably just buy a new gamepad. I should get a better one anyway.

Confirming this bug report, Generic USB Joystick (Vendor: 0079 Product: 0006) has the same issue, I was able to manually rebind the left analog, but it's not possible to do it using GUI due to incorrect input detection, for analog 2 only up and down works correctly, but for my controller some keys show up as slider1 for analog 2.

Best I could come up with was this config:



New Member
I did TG16 and SMS skins. Unpack these 7z files into the "gamepads" folder and also add them to the "gamepads.list".


  • sms.7z
    149 KB · Views: 94
  • tg16.7z
    81.5 KB · Views: 80
  • Capture.PNG
    135.4 KB · Views: 132


New Member
that is sexy langen do you mind if I add it to the next update (its almost ready) [and the code is going open source to boot] ?


New Member
I have created a similar website where you can connect your controller and test it for any key. Also added number of options to select the skins. I am planning to add further more in future. But firstly would like to have a review of what it is like for you as a new visitor. It will be my side project and definitely will listen to all of your suggestions and make it better.

You can view your game pad controller here >>

Looking for all your suggestions. :)
Thanks in Advance (Matt)