Bug Report Game Capture crashes Left 4 Dead 2 but not other Source games

So when I tried hooking Left 4 Dead 2 via Game Capture with OBS Multiplatform 0.8.3 it crashes the game as soon as it tries to hook into it. This problem is not present in other games using this base tech such as CS:GO and Team Fortress 2.

Current Log: https://gist.github.com/b7ca254c8dfe6d4190f1

EDIT: I confirmed that this issue is in the 64bit version of this build. I can hook L4D2 in 32bit OBS Multi.
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The Helping Squad
Hmm, its a bit strange, at first my L4D2 crashed. But now it works just fine, my log also has no error or other info.
I tried different combinations and it will capture and hook L4D2 just fine now, on the 32 and 64bit version (0.8.3).
Capture Fullscreen window or selecting window title.