Game Capture Black Screen for FFXIV


New Member
The game capture option isn't working for Final Fantasy XIV, I've tried windowed, borderless window, and fullscreen. I recently upgraded to a RTX 3070 and Ryzen 5600x. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the latest version of OBS Studio.

I've attached the log file. How can I fix the issue? I prefer to use Game Capture rather than Window Capture if I can help it.


  • 2020-11-29 22-08-25.txt
    35.4 KB · Views: 156


FFXIV Online?
Game Capture (default settings) is working fine for me, latest OBS studio version.


New Member
It's intermittent for me now, sadly intermittent success. It's clearly a problem hooking to ffxiv_dx11.exe, as I have no troubles with other games. I actually had some success yesterday. It feels kinda superstitious as my sample size it to small but it seems like when if it tries to hook in at the wrong time something breaks until I relauch the game, so basically if it hooks successfully I'm fine until I relauch, if It fails I need to relauch and try again. If I make sure to get all the way into my character I feel like I've had a higher chance of success...

Here's my successful log from last yesterday, should have uploaded sooner, don't really need all the videos record start and stop stuff but.

I wish the failure logs gave more detail as to why it's closing the capture and trying again other then,
23:13:07.418: [game-capture: 'Final Fantasy XIV'] attempting to hook process: ffxiv_dx11.exe​
23:13:07.434: [game-capture: 'Final Fantasy XIV'] capture stopped​

I'll update if I have more information, as while searching I've seen a number of people report this problem, and either just go silent. Or "fix" without saying how...


Yeah it's a strange one, as I've said , had very few issues with it.
I do remember Game Capture having a issue with FFXIV a while back but only required a restart of OBS to address the issue.

About to watch a movie with wife and kids but will take a peek when I return.

just double checked that I hadn't changed any of the game cap settings, they're all on default.


New Member
Thank you for trying to help!

lol, this isn't getting anymore clear...

spent the day working then went to launch FFXIV and OBS.
Tried restarting FFXIV and OBS seperatly and together nothing worked here's a sample of the logs.

Rebooted and opened chrome, ffxiv, obs and it's working at the title screen...

Close and Reopen OBS repeatedly and it hooks in instantly at this time...

no idea what's breaking it. When I was troubleshooting this on Friday or Saturday (logs gone due to reinstall of OBS after dumping the folders to make sure I got it all on uninstall) Reboot was definitely not working but I had some success by switching to Astroneer which worked and back lol I mean changing the game capture specifically object.... I don't see any reason why that would work which is why I'm thinking the issue is more of an intermittent issue but only presents when I'm hooking into FFXIV.

Oh and as a side note StreamLabs OBS also coudln't connect to FFXIV when OBS couldn't connect, obviously they both don't work simultaneously, but right now I can switch between them with no issue.... Basically just trying everything I can think of even looked at windows defender threat lot, curious if it could be the issue but don't see anything jumping out there.

At this point I'm in a see what happens tomorrow, mode. If it does fail again I'll see if starting OBS with --verbose gives more descriptive logs.


New Member
I do not believe I do. I mean I've got Discord and ShareX both running all the time. But I don't think those are what you're meaning and they've not cause issues with any of the other games I've captured.


New Member
Thanks for that link, this may be on to something!
  • Discord Overlay not enabled.
  • RivaTuner - It's not able to hook and work with ffxiv_dx11.exe, even came across an article when looking for how I should be setting it, that says it's broken and they don't plan to fix it, so was not added directly but the default global setup is currently set to show the FPS when it can. It could be this that's interfering though it is running when it works too. It has not caused issue with other games which surprises me but that does not rule it out, expecially when there's an issue with it on their will not fix bug lists directly related to this game. I will definitely test this, should have thought of it sooner. Thank you.
  • I also have the XPEN drawing tablet software "Pentablet" running and the tablet is not connected.
That's all that on that list which is on my machine so I'll do some testing with those see if they. Funny how now that I've got some Ideas for troubleshooting I'm actually hoping the issue returns after work today.


New Member
Okay, so it does appear that it was RivaTuner that was breaking the Capture with Final Fantasy XIV Online (ffxiv_dx11.exe).
With Open I was able to reproduce the problem, Exited RivaTuner and Attempted to hook and it still failed. Relaunched OBS still failed, relauched ffxiv_dx11.exe and OBS was immediately able to hook in. Relaunched RivaTuner Relaunched game and obs and it broke, no longer able to get OBS to hook.

I've tweaked the settings and so far I'm able to connect. Basically I just disable application detection and On-Screen Display Support for "Global" and this seems to have worked, I've done about 4 tests so far in both settings and it reliably doesn't work with the initial RivaTuner settings and Reliably works without those set. Thank you, for pointing me in that direction I was not finding it.

Initial RivaTuner Settings (Doesn't work):

Changed the Global to as follows (Works):

This suggest that when it was working was likely that I had OBS open before RivaTuner was able to setup it's hooks into the OS, allowing OBS to take precedent.


Glad you figured it out, might have been the issue when I was tinkering around with Rivastats, which I no longer use.
Good to know!