Frames dropping and connection unstable but another pc on same internet connection is completely fine.


New Member
As the title says I am having big ol connection issues streaming through OBS while my girlfriend has absolutely none on the exact same connection, everything was fine till around 4 days ago I just started getting these problems for no apparent reason where I'll get 3 green bars of connection at best and drop to just 1 red bar pretty consistently while she sits at a constant 4 green bars, we are using an Ethernet switch hub to connect both of us directly to the router so everything should be the same internet connection wise however I am getting far worse results.

A log of my recent bandwidth test stream done at 3000kbps @ 1664x936:
A log of a recent bandwidth test stream on her pc done at 5000kbps @ 1920x1080:
Specs for my pc: RTX 3070, i7 11700, Z590 AORUS ELITE AX, 64GBs of ram
Specs for her pc: RTX 4070Ti, i7 11700, Z590 UD AC, 32GBs of ram

All cables have been checked or replaced recently (all cat6), we never stream at the same time, we both stream to Twitch using auto server detection, speed test on our pcs give similar results, she never really has problems streaming and everything else works perfectly fine besides using OBS to stream from my pc so I just need to know what else I can look at on my pc that would be likely to be giving me these results and yes I'm aware of the dynamic bitrate option and although I wouldn't be dropping frames anymore I'm pretty sure the stream would be unwatchable due to the bitrate tanking so much lol so any help as to where I should look next or a list of potential apps that could be problematic would be very greatly appreciated, thank you.