Dynamic Source Positioning OBS studio


New Member
Hey folks,

i'm using OBS studio together with streamer.bot for a long time now and created a large variety of OBS sources with little stickers/gifs/vids, which are triggered by chat commands (e.g. !banana).

As of now, each source is located on a fixed position within one OBS scene. So therefore it's shown on the same spot every time the command is typed.

Is there a chance to have a more dynamic setup in regards to positioning for each OBS media source?

I'm thinking of something like a script/method/plugin which has x and y coordinates to move the OBS source to a different location every time the script is executed (similar to what can be done by manually editing transform>edit transform.. Position value).

Thanks for your help, since i've not been able to finally solve this topic until now.

BR, Bigbeng


New Member
Hey Bigbeng,

I was able to achieve exactly that with streamer.bot and some simple logic. Basically, I created a random variable for the x axis and a random variable for the y axis that was then given to the source position in streamer.bot. It's important to give your x and y axises a min and max limit though, to insure that the image/gif doesn't appear halfway outside your canvas.

Hope this helps

BR, Angel


New Member
Here is how the command looks more or less. I've also parametrized it so it's easier to adapt.
streamer.bot randomise gif position.png