DX12 Games Flickering in Game Capture And Bandicam FPS Overlay Fixes It (AMD 5700XT)


New Member
Hi, so I've been having this issue with all DX12 games where the game, game UI and other overlays such as MSI afterburner have been flickering and stuttering in game capture, and the only way to get it to stop flickering is by having the bandicam fps overlay on at all times. Here is a link to a video demonstrating the problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4K-_KlgDi4


  • 2020-11-14 18-14-59.txt
    605.1 KB · Views: 83

Luis Conceicao

New Member
I have the exact same DX12 micro stutter issue in DX12 run games as well.

I'm going to try this and see if it helps. Crazy if this is actually a "fix"

Luis Conceicao

New Member
Can't find an edit button but I will add that I tried to run bandicam to see if it fixed the stuttering and it did not.

I don't know what is causing it with DX12 mode (I am trying to play Control) but it just won't seem to go away unless I run the game in DX11 mode.

Even if I run the game without RTX and DLSS options in DX12 I still get a small stutter or a flicker if I run something like RivaTuner or Afterburner to check FPS (and I get 59-60+ throughout the recording)

I'm really hoping that there's a fix to this as more and more games move to DX12 only rendering by default with no option to turn it down to DX11 if you have a newer DX12 supporting video card.

I'll add that x264 and NVENC both suffer from the micro stutters in the OBS preview/recording which are not experienced by me while playing the game itself.


Active Member
As suggested by cyclemat, change the Color Range to partial.

Turn Game Mode On

This Scene is potentially the cause of flickering, move either the Window or Game Capture to a new Scene.
- scene 'PC Game':
18:15:01.689: - source: 'Window Capture' (window_capture)
18:15:01.689: - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture)
18:15:01.689: - source: 'Video Capture Device' (dshow_input)
18:15:01.689: - filter: 'Hanging Green Screen' (chroma_key_filter)
18:15:01.689: - filter: 'Color Key' (color_key_filter)
18:15:01.689: - filter: '4000K 520L Green Screen' (chroma_key_filter)
18:15:01.689: - filter: '4000k 250L Green Screen' (chroma_key_filter)
18:15:01.689: - filter: 'Portable Green Screen 3' (chroma_key_filter)
18:15:01.689: - filter: 'VR Green Sceen' (chroma_key_filter)
18:15:01.689: - filter: 'Sliding Green Screen' (chroma_key_filter)

Get rid of every Frankerfacez error in your log.

Your log shows Rendering Lag, Bandwidth/Connection Stalls & you have a shitload of memory leaks. Do ALL the above & then post a new log with recording/streaming sessions so any issues that remain can be addressed.


New Member
And how would I go about getting rid of the Frankerfacez errors and fixing the rendering Lag, bandwidth/connection Stalls and memory leaks?


Active Member
Looks like you need to remove Browser Source 2.
18:26:50.149: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: %cFFZ [%csocket%c]:%c (source: https://cdn.frankerfacez.com/static/avalon.2b2c6ea97feca56d2ad2.js:2)
18:26:57.269: obs-browser[2]: CONSOLE: WebSocket connection to 'wss://andknuckles.frankerfacez.com/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 503 (source: https://cdn.frankerfacez.com/static

After you finish the items from yesterday. Test & post a new log with a streaming session. Need to see if some of those issues improve.

Also, that AMD driver you're using (2.11.1) has caused encoding issues for at least 2 other board members. There's a possibility that you may need roll back to 2.9.1.


New Member
Here's a new log from a recent stream. Still can't get the flickering to stop even with trying all your suggestions, so I'm still using the bandicam overlay to fix it.


  • 2020-12-09 23-59-08.txt
    42.8 KB · Views: 45


New Member
I made a post about this issue a week ago and just found this post after someone replied saying that it only happens with DX12 games. Did you find a way to fix it or is it still flickering/glitching?


New Member
No, I still have to use the bandicam fps overlay. Oddly though I had no issues while recording/streaming hitman 3.


New Member
Hi everyone,

Getting the same flickering issue in my stream if I use DirectX 12 in game (Shadow of the Tomb Raider). If I use direcx11 then my game stutters a bit, but OBS captures perfectly because it is on 'Above Normal' process priority. I even tried changing the keyframe interval to auto from 2. Nothing works. Using sRGB with 'Partial' color range.