Dropped Frames (Network) But I've Tried Everything...


New Member
Hi, there fellow streamers!

Yesterday, I did a 4-hour stream and noticed dropped frames due to network issues. I've read a lot about this already on OBS forums and what I could do in terms of fixing this issue. This is not the first time that this is happening to me, it's happening always. I've tried everything, dynamically change bitrate, network optimization, enable TCP pacing, changing ingest server and all, but with no avail. I really don't know what to do anymore tho.

I've also contacted my ISP to do a check on their side if they are throttling my upload speed, but they say that everything is okay. Explained to them what is happening, but also, they say that everything is good on their side and that they don't have any issues.

Could anybody help me out with this issue? Thanks in advance guys! Appreciated!

P.S. Forgot to mention, that I'm connected to my router using an ethernet cable and that my router is not on optic nor DSL, I'm on 4G LTE since that is the only option that I have where I live since DSL is really bad with 0.5 Mbps upload.

P.S. 2 In the attached files, you're going to find the log file from that stream and also all the tests that I've done using twitch test, testmy, speedtest, and twitch inspector.

Thanks for the help guys!

Twitch Bandwidth Test.png
Twitch Inspector.png


  • 2020-12-26 19-50-12.txt
    63.8 KB · Views: 34


The problem with cellular streaming is that you're still relying on a wireless signal at the end of the day, and it can have fluctuating connection quality based on local usage percentage at any given time, signal strength etc. You can run into this even with wired connections in places where internet infrastructure isn't updated to keep pace with population. There's not a whole lot that can be done from an OBS standpoint other than lowering your bitrate


New Member
The problem with cellular streaming is that you're still relying on a wireless signal at the end of the day, and it can have fluctuating connection quality based on local usage percentage at any given time, signal strength etc. You can run into this even with wired connections in places where internet infrastructure isn't updated to keep pace with population. There's not a whole lot that can be done from an OBS standpoint other than lowering your bitrate
Okay, good to know! But let's say this, how much lost frames would you consider still fine with a 720p 60fps stream? I usually lose about 1-2% within a 3-4 hour stream. Would you still consider that a good stream?


New Member

Just wanted to give an quick update, probably it's on twitches side and their ingest servers. Just tried to stream on YouTube and Trovo at the same bitrate, and look at that, no problems whatsoever. Streamed on both services at 5500kbps, 720p 60fps without a single frame dropped whatsoever.

I really don't know what could be the issue then. Just wanted to keep you updated. If anyone had this problem, please guys write here, want to hear if anyone had this type of a problem and how they solved it!




Just wanted to give an quick update, probably it's on twitches side and their ingest servers. Just tried to stream on YouTube and Trovo at the same bitrate, and look at that, no problems whatsoever. Streamed on both services at 5500kbps, 720p 60fps without a single frame dropped whatsoever.

I really don't know what could be the issue then. Just wanted to keep you updated. If anyone had this problem, please guys write here, want to hear if anyone had this type of a problem and how they solved it!

have you tried different twitch ingest servers? I have to do that sometimes