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Evandikt submitted a new resource:

EvntBoard a free steamDeck alternative - EvntBoard is a free SteamDeck / Stream Alert alternative with javascript scripting


I'm Evandikt, 25 years old, a french web and software engineer passionate about IT development !

Why EvntBoard ?

At the beginning i start developing EvntBoard for myself, to discover new technologies and now i found my tool quite amazing and i just want to share it.

I'm tired about upload data X services to get my stream a great look, so EvntBoard use only local data, and if you don't using chat service (twitch for example), you can used it without internet for just...

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New Member
Evandikt updated EvntBoard your next streaming tool ! with a new update entry:

A new version is available !

In this version the whole architecture of the application has been reviewed to remove Electron !

Now it is possible to use modules with native dependencies!
This means nothing for a normal user but for the software it means that now it is possible to access the system without any problem, for example to control your mouse!

The board system is now implemented as a trigger :)

I invite you to try the application by following the...

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