Question / Help Desktop Audio Delay


New Member
Hello, I've been streaming for a while now and I realized that my stream's audio is off. The desktop audio starts playing before the video can catch up. When I start the stream it is perfectly fine, but then about 3 minutes into the stream the desktop audio starts to become out of sync. Now that I think about it, it may be the video that's getting delayed. Anyways, any advice?

Log Files:

I've been thinking about it and maybe it is the game capture that is falling behind but I don't know how to fix it.

Okay it's for sure the video lagging behind the audio, but I noticed that it didn't happen when I stream Hearthstone, it happened when I streamed Fortnite though. The video is like a second behind the audio.
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New Member
I think I figured out the problem: I've been trying to run my stream at a constant 60 FPS (I can run Fortnite just fine at aorund 200 FPS) and whenever I'd be in the loading screen, the FPS in OBS would say that it goes from 60 to around 38-45 frames and I think that's what has been causing the delay. I dropped the max FPS in OBS to 30 frames and it seems to have fixed the problem, so I guess I would need two PCs to be able to run it at a solid 60 FPS like these other streamers? I don't like the look of 30 FPS. :)


New Member
Nope, still doesn't work. Very disappointed. Played PUBG and H1Z1 and the video still lags behind the audio.