Crashing when closing OBS? New Windows


New Member
Hi. I reinstalled from zero everything, including windows.

Every time I'm closing OBS I'm getting this crash report:

Unhandled exception: c0000005
Date/Time: 2022-05-08, 22:42:11
Fault address: 7FFB28EE38ED (c:\program files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs.dll)
libobs version: 27.2.4 (64-bit)
Windows version: 10.0 build 19044 (release: 2009; revision: 1645; 64-bit)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor

Thread 730: tiny_tubular_task_thread (Crashed)
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
00000013DC4FF460 00007FFB28EE38ED 000001D2E1FCA000 00007FFB28EA34B5 0000000000000000 000001D2BBA5C0A0 obs.dll!obs_source_release+0x2d
00000013DC4FF490 00007FFB3DB33981 000001D2BDC33AE0 00007FFB28EC9F30 0000000000000800 0000000000000800 move-transition.dll!clear_items+0x91
00000013DC4FF4D0 00007FFB3DB32969 000001D2BDC33AE0 0000000000000800 00000013DC4FF528 000001D2BDC33AE0 move-transition.dll!move_destroy+0x19
00000013DC4FF500 00007FFB28EDF39C 000001D2B3DB8A20 000001D2B3DB8A20 00007FFB28EC9F30 0000000000000800 obs.dll!obs_source_destroy_defer+0xcc
00000013DC4FF600 00007FFB28EC9EE8 00000013DC4FF6B9 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 obs.dll!tiny_tubular_task_thread+0x408
00000013DC4FF670 00007FFB5B2E7A06 000001D2B1C81FE0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 w32-pthreads.dll!ptw32_threadStart+0x126
00000013DC4FF720 00007FFB623E1BB2 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ucrtbase.dll!0x7ffb623e1bb2
00000013DC4FF750 00007FFB63D87034 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 kernel32.dll!0x7ffb63d87034
00000013DC4FF780 00007FFB648C2651 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ntdll.dll!0x7ffb648c2651

I will attach the entire file.

I would very grateful if you can help me <3 thank you!


  • Crash Report.txt
    79.8 KB · Views: 58


New Member
This is from a 3rd party plugin, update or remove all 3rd party plugins.
Is there a way to narrow it down, what "3rd Party plugin" is the "tiny tubular task thread"? (latest crash report attached)
I have the same issues and checking every Plugin I have running for updates and also remove + reinstall them will cost me quote a lot of time... btw: the issue stayed even after transferring to OBS 28 and updating the plugins that popped up as "not working anymore"...


  • Crash 2022-09-30 06-49-42.txt
    150 KB · Views: 25


Forum Admin
Is there a way to narrow it down, what "3rd Party plugin" is the "tiny tubular task thread"?
The task thread is for cleaning up sources, unfortunately any plugin can break the cleanup process by incorrectly holding or releasing references to sources that they shouldn't be. There's no way to tell which plugin it is unfortunately.


New Member
The task thread is for cleaning up sources, unfortunately any plugin can break the cleanup process by incorrectly holding or releasing references to sources that they shouldn't be. There's no way to tell which plugin it is unfortunately.
Got it... but if I don't do anything and let the crash error happen when I close the obs(ignore the situation). Will there be any problems in the future?


Forum Admin
OBS saves its data before unloading plugins, so it's unlikely anything will ever be damaged from a crash on exit.