Controlling OBS by using Timecode.


New Member
Hi all,

I am a lightning operator and now and then i also need to do the lights for dance groups.
I wonder if it is possible to record and replay those video's with a timecode?

The case:
I got sometimes 20 dance groups on one day and need to remember what they do and where they stand.
Ofcourse thats not easy :)
The music of those groups is played by Qlab a program for playing audio, video and lightcues.
Also from there there start a timecode to run and connected to the light console (Chamsys) I programm my lights on that.
On that way the lights will always be right on time even when i'm not there.

Now i wonder if it is possible to get input in obs from timecode signals. in that way i would like to start a recoding if i arm it in obs. Or replay that recording on that specific timecode. that way i can see what they are dancing in each part of the music without them always doing the dance agian or me manually scrolling tru a recoring on my pc.

I hope my question is clear and also hope i get a positive answer to this or maybe someone who like to make a plugin for me :)

Already a great thanks to each of you for reading this and thinking about a solution

Have a nice day


There is a MIDI plugin available for OBS. You lighting console probably receives MIDI cues from Qlab. You could set up the plugin in OBS to also react to different MIDI cues. About the timecode, I think I saw a plugin or script on this site that writes out time markers to a file. Maybe this could be used by having a MIDI cue write to a file at certain times and use that as a reference while watching the recording.