Control volume of Stinger transitions


New Member
So so glad OBS now has Stinger transitions. But I noticed that there's no way to control the volume of the video being used (assuming it has sound). Being able to just set a 1-100 value for volume within the settings of the stinger transition would be useful!


Totes! It is hardly best practice to reduce the audio level of a stinger by rendering it at a lower level.
It would be much better to use a fader or even if we could add filters to stingers like gain to raise or lower the volume.

Brian Life

New Member
Yes, please! I wonder is later version after OBS 24.0.6 have volume adjustments. I cant upgrade (old Mac. cant) I guess, I'll have to edit/make the stingers volume lower before import. ;(


New Member
I can't believe this is still an issue after so many years. Not only that but when you record audio to multi-track, the transition gets recorded 6 times, so replaying the audio as is, in something like Resolve, creates 6 layers of the same sound, there's no way to put it on a separate audio track of its own.


New Member
Would really LOVE this feature. Adjusting the volume for transitions seems critical to getting the experience right.