Colours are faded & darker tones crushed


Active Member
Each video source has an option for the color range, and OBS itself does too:


The Limited range comes from analog TV broadcasts, where nothing is ever equal. So to make sure that black and white at least, were accurate, they overdrove it slightly. Thus, the top and bottom 5-10% or so are technically outside of the displayable range, and clamped to that displayable range.

Full range, of course, has a visible difference for *every* encoded value.

if you mismatch that setting, then the colors are either slightly washed out, or slightly too vibrant.


New Member
I'm using Display Capture, which doesn't have an option for colour range. It has Force SDR but that does not change anything.

Setting Advanced to Full does not change anything, nor does any combination of SDR/Full, SDR/Limited.
Don't know if it would but I checked anyways.
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Suslik V

Active Member
There were color guides in the guides section of the forum:
there you can find few test images and video files. It may help you to find out what is wrong with your setup. Issue may be in color enhancements of video player or your video card.

Try "mpv player" to playback your recordings.


New Member
I fixed the crushed tones by using these settings in Nvidia control panel

And it turns out the washed out colours are [mostly] fixed by using HEVC + P010 colour format in Advanced...however Sony Vegas has a very difficult time with those, and that's my daily driver.
The important thing is I did manage to get colour accuracy going.