Question / Help Capturing issue with Project64 v2.3


New Member
When trying to capture the window it shows nothing but blackness. The thing is using Jabo's Plugin fixes this, but the problem is that the graphics will be messed up and shadows and some textures won't show properly, and I'd like to stream the game with it's proper graphics. The issue only happens when I use the Glide64 Plugin, and that is the only Plugin so far that has worked in showing the game with the textures and shadows right. What can I do to solve this issue?
Sidenote: I can't use Project64 v1.6 because the plugin doesn't seem to work with it, but I assume it wouldn't matter because this seems like an OBS issue.
Here's the log file in case it helps:


New Member
I tried a handful of plugins, and rice video plugin actually functions, so I suppose it's case closed for me, but I still wonder why Glide64 can't be detected by OBS.