Bug Report Cannot Pan Audio in Advanced Audio Properties


New Member
I am unable to use the Panning slider in Advanced Audio Properties. I shows up, but I cannot move it. I have tried this with multiple audio inputs without any luck. I am not sure if this is a bug. But that seems most likely. I came across this unresolved post in the Windows Support section, so it seems this issue is persistent and cross-platform.

I have attached a picture of the dialog I am referring to. (I attempted to insert it into this post, but it kept telling me something went wrong.)

I am using OBS 21.1.0 on Ubuntu 16.04.4.


  • osb_advanced_audio.png
    48.8 KB · Views: 121


New Member
Still? Well, I guess that's that then. They really should just comment-out the code for the slider until it is. Or maybe that's their way of slyly attracting new project contributors, lol.

Would anyone happen to have recommendations for how to pan the audio before feeding it into OBS? I would prefer a Linux solution, but am open to a Windows-based solution as well.


use andersama rematrixer plugin (search it in the resources/plugins );
he has dll for windows for it, but you can just build it for linux