Browser Custom CSS Charset changed?


New Member
Hi guys,
since the last update (25.0.8) the charset for the custom CSS field in the "Properties for 'Browser'" modal seems to be changed. We often use web based overlays and change the text content via pseudo elements ::before and ::after. As germans we have some special characters in our alphabet and their support was present till the last update.
Now we get our special characters no longer shown as they used to be. Instead of "äöü" we see "ÄÃ-Ãœ" on the screen. So I think the charset for added custom CSS might has changed from UTF-8 to plain ASCII, maybe.
Of course, there is a workaround by using the hex-coded notation for these characters. However, since it worked in previous versions and the workaround is hardly readable I wonder what caused the change.

Thanks for helping me out.
