I have the same issue, I read the above post on black screen when capturing but it didn't contain instructions on how to resolve. I am running windows 10, intel corei5 8th gen. I don't know how to access the GPU to update - please advise.
Here is the current log:
12:43:28.223: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8350U CPU @ 1.70GHz
12:43:28.223: CPU Speed: 1896MHz
12:43:28.223: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
12:43:28.223: Physical Memory: 16221MB Total, 8482MB Free
12:43:28.223: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 17763 (revision: 615; 64-bit)
12:43:28.224: Running as administrator: false
12:43:28.224: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
12:43:28.224: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
12:43:28.224: Game DVR: On
12:43:28.226: Sec. Software Status:
12:43:28.228: Windows Defender Antivirus: disabled (AV)
12:43:28.228: Webroot SecureAnywhere: enabled (AV)
12:43:28.228: Windows Firewall: enabled (FW)
12:43:28.229: Windows Defender Antivirus: disabled (ASW)
12:43:28.229: Webroot SecureAnywhere: enabled (ASW)
12:43:28.232: Current Date/Time: 2019-07-12, 12:43:28
12:43:28.232: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true
12:43:28.232: Portable mode: false
12:43:28.815: OBS 23.2.1 (64-bit, windows)
12:43:28.815: ---------------------------------
12:43:28.819: ---------------------------------
12:43:28.819: audio settings reset:
12:43:28.819: samples per sec: 44100
12:43:28.819: speakers: 2
12:43:28.824: ---------------------------------
12:43:28.824: Initializing D3D11...
12:43:28.824: Available Video Adapters:
12:43:28.827: Adapter 0: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620
12:43:28.827: Dedicated VRAM: 134217728
12:43:28.827: Shared VRAM: 4209999872
12:43:28.827: output 0: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
12:43:28.829: Loading up D3D11 on adapter Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (0)
12:43:28.849: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: 45056
12:43:29.784: ---------------------------------
12:43:29.784: video settings reset:
12:43:29.784: base resolution: 1920x1080
12:43:29.784: output resolution: 1280x720
12:43:29.784: downscale filter: Bicubic
12:43:29.784: fps: 30/1
12:43:29.784: format: NV12
12:43:29.784: YUV mode: 601/Partial
12:43:29.784: NV12 texture support enabled
12:43:29.785: Audio monitoring device:
12:43:29.785: name: Default
12:43:29.785: id: default
12:43:29.785: ---------------------------------
12:43:29.800: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
12:43:29.808: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll'
12:43:29.860: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors.
12:43:29.860: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'
12:43:31.167: Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not loaded
12:43:31.195: [obs-browser]: Version 2.4.0
12:43:31.196: [obs-browser]: Blacklisted device detected, disabling browser source hardware acceleration.
12:43:31.680: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
12:43:31.687: No blackmagic support
12:43:31.697: ---------------------------------
12:43:31.697: Loaded Modules:
12:43:31.697: win-wasapi.dll
12:43:31.697: win-mf.dll
12:43:31.697: win-dshow.dll
12:43:31.697: win-decklink.dll
12:43:31.697: win-capture.dll
12:43:31.697: vlc-video.dll
12:43:31.697: text-freetype2.dll
12:43:31.697: rtmp-services.dll
12:43:31.697: obs-x264.dll
12:43:31.697: obs-vst.dll
12:43:31.697: obs-transitions.dll
12:43:31.697: obs-text.dll
12:43:31.697: obs-qsv11.dll
12:43:31.697: obs-outputs.dll
12:43:31.697: obs-filters.dll
12:43:31.697: obs-ffmpeg.dll
12:43:31.697: obs-browser.dll
12:43:31.697: image-source.dll
12:43:31.697: frontend-tools.dll
12:43:31.697: enc-amf.dll
12:43:31.697: decklink-ouput-ui.dll
12:43:31.697: coreaudio-encoder.dll
12:43:31.697: ---------------------------------
12:43:31.697: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
12:43:31.698: Service '' not found
12:43:31.699: No scene file found, creating default scene
12:43:31.699: All scene data cleared
12:43:31.699: ------------------------------------------------
12:43:31.970: WASAPI: Device 'Speaker/HP (Realtek High Definition Audio(SST))' initialized
12:43:32.151: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone Array (Realtek High Definition Audio(SST))' initialized
12:43:32.151: Switched to scene 'Scene'
12:43:32.151: Failed to glob scene collections
12:43:32.198: adding 46 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds (source: Mic/Aux)
12:43:32.538: [rtmp-services plugin] Successfully updated file 'services.json' (version 109)
12:43:32.540: [rtmp-services plugin] Successfully updated package (version 109)
12:46:03.070: ==== Auto-config wizard testing commencing ======
12:46:22.253: ---------------------------------
12:46:22.253: video settings reset:
12:46:22.253: base resolution: 1920x1080
12:46:22.253: output resolution: 1920x1080
12:46:22.253: downscale filter: Bicubic
12:46:22.253: fps: 30/1
12:46:22.253: format: NV12
12:46:22.253: YUV mode: 601/Partial
12:46:22.253: NV12 texture support enabled
12:46:22.258: ==== Auto-config wizard testing stopping ========
12:46:27.578: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 69 milliseconds (source: Mic/Aux)
13:00:32.238: User added source 'Browser' (browser_source) to scene 'Scene'
13:00:33.892: obs-browser: Refused to load the stylesheet 'data:text/css;charset=utf-8;base64,Ym9keSB7IGJhY2tncm91bmQtY29sb3I6IHJnYmEoMCwgMCwgMCwgMCk7IG1hcmdpbjogMHB4IGF1dG87IG92ZXJmbG93OiBoaWRkZW47IH0=' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ".
13:00:33.892: (source: data:text/css;charset=utf-8;base64,Ym9keSB7IGJhY2tncm91bmQtY29sb3I6IHJnYmEoMCwgMCwgMCwgMCk7IG1hcmdpbjogMHB4IGF1dG87IG92ZXJmbG93OiBoaWRkZW47IH0=:1)
13:01:53.130: User added source 'Window Capture' (window_capture) to scene 'Scene'
13:01:53.154: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings:
13:01:53.154: executable: chrome.exe
13:02:23.537: User Removed source 'Browser' (browser_source) from scene 'Scene'
13:03:17.021: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings:
13:03:17.021: executable: chrome.exe
13:05:14.101: [qsv encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] settings:
13:05:14.101: rate_control: ICQ
13:05:14.101: ICQ Quality: 23
13:05:14.101: fps_num: 30
13:05:14.101: fps_den: 1
13:05:14.101: width: 1920
13:05:14.101: height: 1080
13:05:14.101: [qsv encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] debug info:
13:05:14.111: impl: D3D11
13:05:14.111: surf: D3D11
13:05:14.192: m_nSurfNum: 16
13:05:14.196: m_nTaskPool: 4
13:05:14.196: major: 1
13:05:14.196: minor: 29
13:05:14.196: ---------------------------------
13:05:14.196: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'simple_aac_recording'] bitrate: 128, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
13:05:14.206: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
13:05:14.206: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/alder/Videos/2019-07-12 13-05-14.flv'...
13:05:16.828: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/alder/Videos/2019-07-12 13-05-14.flv' stopped
13:05:16.828: Output 'simple_file_output': stopping
13:05:16.828: Output 'simple_file_output': Total frames output: 62
13:05:16.828: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 79
13:05:16.829: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
13:05:27.861: Source 'Scene' renamed to 'Test 1'
13:05:43.774: Switched to Preview/Program mode
13:05:43.774: ------------------------------------------------
13:05:45.074: Switched to scene 'Test 1'
13:05:45.076: Switched to regular Preview mode
13:05:45.076: ------------------------------------------------
13:05:49.099: [qsv encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] settings:
13:05:49.099: rate_control: ICQ
13:05:49.099: ICQ Quality: 23
13:05:49.099: fps_num: 30
13:05:49.099: fps_den: 1
13:05:49.099: width: 1920
13:05:49.099: height: 1080
13:05:49.099: [qsv encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] debug info:
13:05:49.109: impl: D3D11
13:05:49.109: surf: D3D11
13:05:49.152: m_nSurfNum: 16
13:05:49.153: m_nTaskPool: 4
13:05:49.153: major: 1
13:05:49.153: minor: 29
13:05:49.154: ---------------------------------
13:05:49.154: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'simple_aac_recording'] bitrate: 128, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
13:05:49.162: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
13:05:49.162: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/alder/Videos/2019-07-12 13-05-49.flv'...
13:06:40.588: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/alder/Videos/2019-07-12 13-05-49.flv' stopped
13:06:40.588: Output 'simple_file_output': stopping
13:06:40.588: Output 'simple_file_output': Total frames output: 1526
13:06:40.588: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1543
13:06:40.589: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
13:11:32.654: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings:
13:11:32.654: executable: chrome.exe
13:11:38.154: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings:
13:11:38.154: executable: chrome.exe
13:11:40.154: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings:
13:11:40.154: executable: chrome.exe
13:11:42.521: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings:
13:11:42.521: executable: chrome.exe
13:11:43.287: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings:
13:11:43.287: executable: chrome.exe
13:11:49.587: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings:
13:11:49.587: executable: chrome.exe
13:11:55.221: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings:
13:11:55.221: executable: chrome.exe
13:12:01.321: [window-capture: 'Window Capture'] update settings:
13:12:01.321: executable: chrome.exe
13:29:54.136: Failed to read log file C:\Users\alder\AppData\Roaming\obs-studio/logs/