New Member
Мужики-женики, пропало быстрое окошко с удалением и тайм-аутом сообщения, не могу понять почему и как восстановить, всё облазил. Типо, зритель пишет, на него пкм и было очень удобное окно быстрого реагирования, сейчас его нет, вместо этого "изучить, скопировать, приблизить", вообще не то, бред какой-то. Как починить и вернуть?
Guys, the quick window with deleting and timeout messages has disappeared, I can't understand why and how to restore it, I've looked everywhere. Like, the viewer writes, right-click on him and there was a very convenient quick response window, now it's gone, instead of it there is "study, copy, zoom", not at all, some kind of nonsense. How to fix and return?
Guys, the quick window with deleting and timeout messages has disappeared, I can't understand why and how to restore it, I've looked everywhere. Like, the viewer writes, right-click on him and there was a very convenient quick response window, now it's gone, instead of it there is "study, copy, zoom", not at all, some kind of nonsense. How to fix and return?